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JSON Files getting crawled suddenly

After crawling the page Google wants to render the page to look at the content. It may be the rendering that wants to see what if any additional information appears on the page. The information ...
Wayne Smith's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it possible to track google analytics conversions on a shopify buy button?

As you noted, the Shopify -> Settings -> Checkout field called 'additional scripts' will only load on the actual status page after checkout is complete. In order to add your Buy Button event ...
Anson W Han's user avatar
3 votes

How to add to Shopify site on different host

The best way to do this is to use a subdomain e.g. and in DNS point the A Record for that subdomain to the IP address supplied by shopify. Then the regular website will be at example....
Steve's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it bad for SEO to load a page with multiple languages switchable via JavaScript?

Even though Googlebot is getting smarted about multi-lingual content and hidden content as well, Google still recommends to: "Keep the content for each language on separate URLs."(https://support....
Theo van der Zee's user avatar
2 votes

Redirect WooCommerce Site to Shopify

In the end, you need to add 301 Redirects to the server or the WordPress instance. It's much better to add them at the server level, so here's the 2 possible ways to go about this: RewriteRule ...
David Schargel's user avatar
2 votes

How can hreflang be added to a Shopify website?

When you create a subdomain or subdirectory on the Shopify website, Shopify automatically generates an hreflang tag on your store for that subdomain or subdirectory. You can't edit it through theme....
Ariful Islam's user avatar
2 votes

Can replacing URL with pushState to a cleaner URL that redirects be bad for SEO?

No penalty for this. But it is ways better to live with any rigid url structure, then to build such bypasses. Think just about computation ressources needed for crawling of Shopware inbuild urls and ...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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1 vote

Why Is Shopify Adding My Store Name Automatically At The End?

Most Shopify themes automatically add your store’s name to every single page at the end of the title for SEO. However, depending on your SEO strategy, this can be an unwanted feature. Fortunately, it’...
Ariful Islam's user avatar
1 vote

Why Is Shopify Adding My Store Name Automatically At The End?

Shopify puts the store name there because having your brand name at the end of every page title is an SEO best practice. "Product Name | Category | Brand Name" is unlikely to be unique to ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
1 vote

Can replacing URL with pushState to a cleaner URL that redirects be bad for SEO?

The use of JavaScript to achieve this is a very bad idea. JavaScript is not always supported, sometimes it's disabled and some crawlers could not follow the link. If something is bad for web browsers, ...
Unix's user avatar
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Google Search Console crawled my shopify site but not appearing in google search with site: prefix

I see much more results: Thats because urls are indexed, which shouldn't be indexed. Your collections seem to be redundant - your products seem to appear in multiple collections. I would deindex ...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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1 vote

Google Search Console crawled my shopify site but not appearing in google search with site: prefix

It could be that Google was either caching the results for you or the indexing wasn't finished yet as I am able to see your different collections on google:
patrick's user avatar
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1 vote

Correct use of hreflang / canonical tags on regional shopify stores

You should definitely make use of canonical to avoid duplication issues. All pages should serve a canonical link with a 200 status code. Now on the hreflang you will have to list all individual ...
John Could's user avatar
1 vote

How can I move the eCommerce section to Shopify while preserving an image subfolder without breaking SEO?

Use a Shopify App Proxy. Your proxy setup will look something like this: Sub Path Prefix: img Sub Path: (blank) Proxy URL: (direct HTTPS link to FTP server)
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
1 vote

Domain Set up - Mail/WebServer/Subdomain/Shopify

Your website needs the following to get it up and running Domain registrar DNS host Web host Most people realize that they need the domain registrar and the web host, but get fuzzy on the DNS host. ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
1 vote

How do I add Meta Descriptions for Shopify Blog?

This may be different depending on the theme, but the default "liquid" theme has a Meta Description field for Pages, Products, & Blog Articles. There's even a friendly character counter to help ...
Andrew Lott's user avatar
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Landing pages recently created in Shopify are not ranking well

By just creating the landing pages on your website, won't help to rank on Google. Google Algo will consider many factors (100+) to show your landing page on Google Search for a targeted keyword. I ...
Anil Rao's user avatar

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