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26 votes

Are website subdomains that start with "www." and those which do not start with "www." one and the same thing?

They aren't necessarily the same, but the convention is to configure them to work that way. But it's just a convention, and there are sites where it does make a difference.
A. L. Flanagan's user avatar
23 votes

Can I use different nameservers for different subdomains?

Yes, You can. you will have to add the NS records for the subdomain in the DNS Manager for your TLD (Top Level Domain). For Example: In DNS Manager for TLD add NS records Like. ...
Amarjit Singh's user avatar
22 votes

Why do browsers know to lookup the `www` record if DNS query for @ gets NXDOMAIN?

Browsers generally have heuristics built in to add missing www. from domain names, but it isn't something you should rely on: Browsers typically have a setting to turn off this "www fix up."...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
19 votes

Are website subdomains that start with "www." and those which do not start with "www." one and the same thing?

Subdomains named www (for World Wide Web) are not special compared to other subdomains. That is, there is no mechanical reason for a domain to be named instead of ...
Jasmijn's user avatar
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15 votes

How can I use robots.txt to disallow subdomain only?

You can serve a different robots.txt file based on the subdomain through which the site has been accessed. One way of doing this on Apache is by internally rewriting the URL using mod_rewrite in ....
MrWhite's user avatar
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13 votes

Is there any way to use a sub-domain as your root domain

Indeed you can. For instance some do not realize a www. url is an actual sub-domain. So it is happening all the time. You can go to your server settings and choose your sub-domain as the main domain ...
norcal johnny's user avatar
10 votes

Cloudflare DNS: How to 301 Redirect all traffic from Sub Domain to Main Domain with URL path?

The error you are receiving is because CNAME's only support domain names and not URL paths. You can setup a redirect using your hosting account or Cloudflare Page Rules. 14 Step Cloudflare Process ...
Simon Hayter's user avatar
9 votes

Are website subdomains that start with "www." and those which do not start with "www." one and the same thing?

This depends how it is set up in DNS. You will likely find that www is a CNAME (an alias) of the main domain - especially on a cpanel server. But this is only convention, it is a subdomain just like ...
Steve's user avatar
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8 votes

Are website subdomains that start with "www." and those which do not start with "www." one and the same thing?

To add to existing answers, a large (and recent) contributor to this confusion is Google Chrome's series of decisions to "simplify" the address bar, which results in hiding the www. prefix ...
ᴍᴇʜᴏᴠ's user avatar
6 votes

How to implement WordPress in a subdirectory, hosted on a different server?

The subdomain is certainly the easiest option since you are wanting to host the site on another server. The reason for this is that a hostname can only ever resolve to a single location. If you are ...
DKing's user avatar
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6 votes

Are multiple consecutive dots allowed in a domain name?

If I am reading the RFC correctly, labels (the parts in between the dots) in a domain name cannot be empty because the empty label is reserved: Each node has a label, which is zero to 63 octets in ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
5 votes

How can I use robots.txt to disallow subdomain only?

robots.txt works only if it is present in the root. You need to upload a separate robots.txt for each subdomain website, where it can be accessed from Add ...
Sudip Chatterjee's user avatar
5 votes

Creating an A record and then a CNAME to point a subdomain to a different server gives an error message

A and CNAME both are types of DNS records, that can be applied to a domain name. But they are mutually exclusive:[1] A resolves a domain name query to an IP address, CNAME resolves it to an other ...
x a's user avatar
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5 votes

Making WWW. work for subdomain with no hosting? is exactly like in the DNS, but they are separate names, so once you put a record for that says nothing for (except in cases ...
Patrick Mevzek's user avatar
5 votes

How can I make a URL on one domain "front" content from another domain?

This type of indirection is called a reverse proxy setup. To reverse proxy in Apache2, use the ProxyPass directive in your config for ProxyPass "/" "http://name....
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
5 votes

Are website subdomains that start with "www." and those which do not start with "www." one and the same thing?

As others have said, it's conventional to make them equivalent, as a convenience to users. But for very popular web sites they're often not implemented the same way in DNS. Large sites generally use a ...
Barmar's user avatar
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4 votes

How to access a website hosted on a shared server (and IP), when its domain is not working?

Your hosting provider should send you temporary URL for your hosting account and website. If they didn't, check your cPanel or whatever control panel and take out the ip address and paste it here: ...
Reda Ahmed's user avatar
4 votes

Can I purchase subdomains separately from a different registrar?

Sub-domains are not purchased or registered. You are free to create one for yourself anytime you like. Domain names are registered and tied to an IP address. You most likely do this with your ...
closetnoc's user avatar
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4 votes

Cannot forward root domain managed by Google Domains to AWS Load Balancer

This is a limitation in the fundamental design of DNS itself. Adding a CNAME at the apex of a domain is essentially invalid because it leads to an illogical set of consequences. This is why Route 53 ...
Michael - sqlbot's user avatar
4 votes

How to get multiple subdomains within a domain

There are really two questions here, since "paying for a domain" really involves both registering the domain and hosting the domain (and any subdomains). As to the first question, the registrar will ...
WebElaine's user avatar
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4 votes

Should I use stacked subdomains (sub-subdomains, sub-sub-subdomains, …)?

UPDATED FOLLOWING CLARIFICATION I suspect that it is simply for user readability - a domain breadcrumb trail if you like. While I believe it is technically okay, I agree it is a very odd choice and ...
TBB's user avatar
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4 votes

Could it be good for SEO to use keyword rich domains under the .forsale TLD?

I think brand matters even if you're creating that kind of website. What percentage of people are going to buy from that kind of domain? I don't think it will be many. It's not easy to remember ...
Group Of Oceninfo's user avatar
4 votes

Transfer current Google Search Console property with data to new one

You should be able to also add and verify the Domain Property too. You should also keep the verified prefix url property for linking to Google Analytics, if you are wanting to do that. If you do ...
Bronwyn V's user avatar
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4 votes

Display custom domain in search results rather than subdomain

Google always shows the actual URL for your site and never uses alternate domains. If you want to show your custom domain in the Google Search results, you have to use that domain for your site. ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
4 votes

"URL not in property" when I submit a removal request for an old subdomain's URLs to Google Search Console

The Search Console doc mention two types of properties, URL-prefix and domain. This seems to be because Google doesn't recognize your subdomain, which according to your comment can be fixed by adding ...
Martheen's user avatar
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4 votes

Manage multiple subdomain on a different nameserver?

I figured it out, all you have to do is add records like these on your TLD, as the original question suggested: 1799 IN NS ...
roee klinger's user avatar
4 votes

Prepending "www." to a subdomain shows the content of main domain rather than the subdomain, is this a DNS or hosting problem?

The problem is the hosting. DNS's one job is pointing names to IP addresses. You say that everything points to a single IP address, so DNS is doing its job correctly. From what you describe, the DNS ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
4 votes

How to remove a deleted subdomain website from Google Search?

To simplify things, you'll want to start by making sure the DNS entry (A or CNAME) for your subdomain is deleted, which basically deletes the subdomain from your domain name. This will ensure that no ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
3 votes

Any real benefit from using a subdomain vs a folder vs just a page name?

A lot of it is vanity related. The benefit of using folder names instead of file names is that you can ditch file extensions on the URL, so if you put an index.html file inside of the
Austin's user avatar
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3 votes

Firebase Custom Domain - add admin subdomain?

The mistake here is not understanding the what A and CNAME records support: A records will only support IP addresses. CNAME records will only support valid domains. Therefore using a full URL path ...
Simon Hayter's user avatar

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