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5 votes

How to detect whether a hidden content will cause a penalty from Google or not?

If Lighthouse is warning about dom size that may result in performance issues which can effect the sites rating because of the algo on performance. Can you use a progressive method to get the ...
Wayne Smith's user avatar
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Is content inside a zero height element bad for SEO?

I make an effort to have all content visible at some point with normal usage, just wanted to disclose my bias first. Use cases for content not visible on a page at some point with normal usage. Slide ...
Wayne Smith's user avatar
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3 votes

How to detect whether a hidden content will cause a penalty from Google or not?

I don't think there's any way of knowing if hidden content will trigger a Google penalty (outside of doing it and finding out), simply because, by giving out that info, it opens the whole system up to ...
divillysausages's user avatar
2 votes

What is the SEO impact of text appearing on mouse over

Search engines look at page source, not the cosmetic aspect of a design directly*. Providing you are using CSS for your overlays and transitions, not scripting that hinders crawlers you will be ...
Randomer11's user avatar
2 votes

Does Google index or see data used by JavaScript in a hidden <p>?

Google does crawl and see content in the page that is hidden by default. However Google does not usually index content that is initially hidden. Googlebot now renders pages and indexes the parts ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
2 votes

Is hiding text in links bad if the links are icon fonts?

I would recommend using the sr-only class for this. Your example is good, but the hide-text class has been deprecated as of Bootstrap 4.1, and it will be removed entirely with the release of 5.0 (...
Josh's user avatar
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Can hidden lines in heading tags and content sections help SEO?

Absolutely not, on the contrary, you could be penalized by cloaking. Cloaking is a search engine optimization (SEO) technique in which the content presented to the search engine spider is ...
Emirodgar's user avatar
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Can I use H1 with logo alt text or font size zero if I don't have a good place on the page to show big text?

While H1 used to be a major ranking factor, this is now no longer the case. Check out this article: Some of the relevant copy: ...
Henry Visotski's user avatar
2 votes

Can display:none CSS be used on a div with a rich snippet?

For such a purpose, the meta element can be used. It’s visually hidden by default. <meta itemprop="bestRating" content="5" /> (For representing a rating value in HTML, you could also use the ...
unor's user avatar
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Is it bad for SEO to use CSS to hide the H1 tag for mobile visitors?

The standard practice for showing h1 tags on large resolution screens (PC) while hiding h1 tags for mobile devices is to use CSS in a way similar to as follows: <head> <meta name="viewport" ...
Michael d's user avatar
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Would Google think a hidden "skip to content" link is deceptive?

if it interests you, even google's search page uses it: to find it, load a search, then press the "tab" button without clicking on anything else.
George's user avatar
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2 votes

I need instruction or to hire someone to find a hidden keyword on a webpage

You haven't given enough information to get a specific answer to your question. However, some thoughts as to where I'd begin: When you say "definitely", what is your evidence for this? Is ...
RichardB's user avatar
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1 vote

What hidden content can google accept?

In search console, bring up a page with these types of UI elements and fetch it as Googlebot. Then take a look at the HTML and see what it can find. You can also view the source of the page and it ...
A_Patterson's user avatar
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I need instruction or to hire someone to find a hidden keyword on a webpage

Easiest way is to press F12. Then CTRL + F and type whatever word you are looking for of you think it is a word on a specific web page. Depending on the site, looking at the code might not be very ...
A_Patterson's user avatar
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External stub links vs on-click partial page replacement for SEO

Most modern search engines use natural language processing, (NLP), to determine user or search intent. Looking at new pages to be added to the index through the lens of what is working with the pages ...
Wayne Smith's user avatar
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Can I use H1 with logo alt text or font size zero if I don't have a good place on the page to show big text?

Both of your solutions 1 & 2 (minus the image in 1) look like great candidates for a <title> tag. Henry gives solid advice. Just don't use an <h1>.
Mike Ciffone's user avatar
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Can hidden lines in heading tags and content sections help SEO?

Google does not 'score code' it scores rendered content and placement, little to no weight is assigned to 'styling' because 'design' is subjective, you do not need a word to be in bold or underline ...
Simon Hayter's user avatar
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Should I use CSS to hide a duplicative menu or does it need to be removed from the page source for SEO?

Technically speaking it's not ideal to use display: none to permanently hide content that will never be shown to the user. However there are so many legitimate reasons to use display: none, especially ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
1 vote

SEO Friendly Way to Hide Vehicle Year Range

The site in question uses WordPress and Shortcodes Ultimate. The solution I chose: [su_lightbox type="inline" src="#model-t-fitment"]1919-1927[/su_lightbox] [su_lightbox_content ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Do the <detail> and <summary> HTML tags which hide text until clicked have any effect on SEO?

IMHO, we can reasonably assume that even though the content isn't automatically visible, it will still affect the SEO rank for your site/page. Here's why: Google's SEO algorithms is a combination of ...
elbrant's user avatar
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Because alt is not allowed on SVG image link, can I add a second display:none image to let Google see alt text?

I would not recommending hiding your images with alttext as Googlebot might consider this to be cloaking and keyword stuffing. It could be very risky. Sources on the web are saying to use <title&...
Michael d's user avatar
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Would Google think a hidden "skip to content" link is deceptive?

If you're ever asking yourself if you should make the user experience worse, the answer should be no, full stop, especially when it would primarily affect users who are already at a disadvantage when ...
Laurel's user avatar
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Hiding the text that is already shown in a preview image

It looks a bit long, but I suppose you could just drop it into the image's alt attribute. <div class="image-container"> <img src="preview.doc.jpg" alt="Lots ...
Andrew Lott's user avatar
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Hiding the text that is already shown in a preview image

If you want to follow best practice as far as Google's Guidelines are concerned, you should be showing everyone the exact same content - users and bots alike. An alternative would be to place the ...
Hannah C.'s user avatar
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Can problems with inline styles in Google webcache text only view affect SEO?

Inline CSS directly doesn't affect your site SEO if it is less enough but it may affect indirectly to it. Inline CSS affects page weight of your pages and browsers finds it quite difficult to load ...
Master Prons's user avatar

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