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43 votes

What is the use of @id in json-ld syntax?

The @id keyword allows you to give a node a URI. This URI identifies the node. See Node Identifiers in the JSON-LD spec. (The equivalent in Microdata is the itemid attribute, and the equivalent in ...
unor's user avatar
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18 votes

Linking external JSON-LD schema (from

The script element can be used for two things: dynamic/classic scripts data And for data, the spec defines: When used to include data blocks, the data must be embedded inline […] So you may use ...
unor's user avatar
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16 votes

How to specify publisher in's Article structured data?

Something like this, though of course other properties are required for this to meet Google's requirements for article features in search results. <div itemscope itemtype="
GDVS's user avatar
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15 votes

BlogPosting Publisher Logo 'logo.itemtype has an invalid value' on Google Structured Data Testing Tool

Turns out, because BlogPosting is one of the types supported by Google as a possible Rich Snippet, they apply more validation: Google Search Documentation Guidelines for Articles This requires an ...
Arth's user avatar
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12 votes

Should Organization data about my company be on every page?

A quick point on this. A site I work on recently got a manual action penalty from Google for having organization JSON-LD markup across every single page on their domain. It didn't affect rankings of ...
Anthony Lavall's user avatar
11 votes

BlogPosting Publisher Logo 'logo.itemtype has an invalid value' on Google Structured Data Testing Tool

A brilliant and helpful answer by @Arth above. To complement the answer above (not compete with it), here is the same Structured Data using the same vocabulary, but this time in JSON-LD: ...
Rounin's user avatar
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10 votes

Structured data for FAQ page?

There is this: and these: + Which you can indeed use … and validate:
Christian Zagarskas's user avatar
9 votes
Accepted 'name' and 'headline'

You can use both properties (headline and name) for the same content. <h1 itemprop="headline name">Title of the post</h1> Google requires headline for their Articles search feature (and ...
unor's user avatar
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9 votes

Can I mix Microdata and JSON-LD on the same page for different entity

It should be fine to use different syntaxes on the same page. It has one drawback, though: If you want to connect entities specified in different syntaxes, you can’t nest them. You have to use URIs ...
unor's user avatar
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8 votes

How to get social profile links to show up in a business listing aka "Knowledge Graph" on the right of the Google search results?

The structured data of the website social profiles are correct. From the tests I made it doesn't have to do with the fact that it's a local business, but with the google search preferences used when ...
marcanuy's user avatar
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8 votes

What is the correct way to use the CollectionPage type for a 'category' page?

You should use CollectionPage instead of WebPage, not in addition to it. CollectionPage is a more specific WebPage. It seems that significantLink (for URL values) as well as hasPart (for CreativeWork ...
unor's user avatar
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8 votes

What is the use of @id in json-ld syntax?

Reading the following link from Google Developers - Data types - Local Business in the Local business properties section you have: [...] The ID should be stable and unchanging over time. Google ...
benetj's user avatar
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8 votes and SEO

What is known (= what search engines document) It can enable features in the search engine interface. Providing certain structured data can give you the chance to get a certain user-visible feature. ...
unor's user avatar
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7 votes

Are alternate links included in the 50,000 URL limit for sitemaps?

As closetnoc suggests in comments, the 50,000 URL limit for sitemaps refers to the number of URLs in the sitemap file itself. ie. the number of <loc> elements. This is an individual sitemap ...
MrWhite's user avatar
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7 votes

Schema Multiple Areas Served (AreaServed)

I think each value should represent a single area. If you were using the more expressive AdministrativeArea/GeoShape/Place values, you would (by definition) use one type per area (a Place always ...
unor's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I mark up multi product pages with and JSON-LD?

I assume you mean two Offer items for one Product (like your example suggests). Instead of repeating the offers property, you have to use one offers property with an array value (in [ and ]): "...
unor's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the proper schema type for a personal portfolio

You typically need multiple different entities for representing everything in structured data. You are a Person. The page where you list your works could be a CollectionPage. You could specify the ...
unor's user avatar
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6 votes

How to write JSON-LD for list of people?

You have several options: as top-level items (only use this if the other two options are not possible) as values for a property (best option, but requires that offers a suitable type/...
unor's user avatar
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6 votes

Rich Snippets only appear with "site:" search in Google

I've come across similar issue, Google will display rich snippets if they are correctly implemented using "site:" but they wont display it on normal results if they are not sure about the quality. ...
John Could's user avatar
5 votes

Can I have multiple JSON-LD scripts in the same page?

Yes, you can. The first script indicates the URL of internal site search to be shown in Google SERP between your main entry and sitelinks. The second script indicates your social media accounts to be ...
Mikko Piippo's user avatar
5 votes

Inaccurate currency displayed in Google Rich Snippet

Not a Schema issue, it's a website and Google issue The problem you are experiencing is pretty common and a side effect of GEO IP detection. The issue that your encountering is occurring due to the ...
Simon Hayter's user avatar
5 votes

NewsArticle not validing: "The attribute image.width has an invalid value."

See Google documentation: Images should be at least 696 pixels wide. So this one works for me: <script type="application/ld+json"&...
Milo Tischler's user avatar
5 votes

What is Schema @id and does inaccessible URLS within it matter?

I think this is a (long-standing) bug in Google’s SDTT. Relevant Stack Overflow question: Why does Google Testing Tool use the “id” attribute to generate a URL for the Microdata item? In Microdata, ...
unor's user avatar
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5 votes

Google Tag Manager Multiple URL Exceptions not Working

When adding exception operations, there's a note above it: Fire this trigger when an Event occurs and all of these conditions are true You'll need to create two separate rules, each containing just ...
L Martin's user avatar
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5 votes

Using URL without query parameter for Sitelinks Searchbox?

Of course it should be possible to use any kind of URL design. It wouldn’t make sense for Google to exclude many sites just because they don’t use the URL’s query component for the search function. ...
unor's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the benefit of ImageObject schema org markup for images?

First of all, for the image property, expects either an URL value or an ImageObject value. This is typically the case for other properties taking an image value, too. So for the image ...
unor's user avatar
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5 votes

Google Structured Data Testing Tool Repeat Error: "The URL could not be rendered. Some markup may be missing."

After: isolating error triggers assessing what all the error triggers had in common (they all referred to external .svg files) The answer is: Google Structured Data Testing Tool doesn't yet know ...
Rounin's user avatar
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5 votes for artist portfolio website: WebSite, Person or Place type?

You can provide multiple entities on each page, and you should do that if it makes sense for the data. The mainEntity property can be used to convey what the primary entity for this page is. If you ...
unor's user avatar
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5 votes

Multiple ItemLists

It’s perfectly fine to have multiple ItemList items on a page, and it’s perfectly fine not to provide position. With "not allowed", you are probably referring to Google’s guidelines for ...
unor's user avatar
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5 votes

Are html tags allowed in structured data product description?

There's an important nuance here. With structured data for search, there are multiple layers of validity: the vocabulary (, etc.), the syntax (RDFa, JSON-LD, etc.), and individual search ...
GDVS's user avatar
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