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18 votes

Linking external JSON-LD schema (from

The script element can be used for two things: dynamic/classic scripts data And for data, the spec defines: When used to include data blocks, the data must be embedded inline […] So you may use ...
unor's user avatar
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13 votes

Which one does Google prefer, Microdata or JSON-LD?

The document that recommends JSON-LD is more recent and it clearly states that Google recommends using JSON-LD where possible (over Microdata) specifically for the following reasons: "The markup does ...
marcanuy's user avatar
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12 votes

Should Organization data about my company be on every page?

A quick point on this. A site I work on recently got a manual action penalty from Google for having organization JSON-LD markup across every single page on their domain. It didn't affect rankings of ...
Anthony Lavall's user avatar
10 votes

Do I need JSON-LD on all pages or just the home page?

Google uses the phrase "Include the contact markup on one page in your official site" in relation to the Organization information you are adding.
Tony McCreath's user avatar
9 votes

Can I mix Microdata and JSON-LD on the same page for different entity

It should be fine to use different syntaxes on the same page. It has one drawback, though: If you want to connect entities specified in different syntaxes, you can’t nest them. You have to use URIs ...
unor's user avatar
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6 votes

Getting errors "Missing ',' or '}'", "Unexpected token" and "got 'undefined'" for my JSON-LD

You use ” instead of " two times: Instead of "url": "company website jewellers url/”, it has to be "url": "company website jewellers url/", Instead of "sameAs": [ "youtube channel about url”...
unor's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I mark up multi product pages with and JSON-LD?

I assume you mean two Offer items for one Product (like your example suggests). Instead of repeating the offers property, you have to use one offers property with an array value (in [ and ]): "...
unor's user avatar
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6 votes

How to write JSON-LD for list of people?

You have several options: as top-level items (only use this if the other two options are not possible) as values for a property (best option, but requires that offers a suitable type/...
unor's user avatar
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6 votes

Do I need JSON-LD on all pages or just the home page?

JSON-LD should be included on the company home page for the company info. While you shouldn't use that on other pages, you should include JSON-LD on the other pages that provides the information on ...
Gostrath's user avatar
5 votes

Google Tag Manager Multiple URL Exceptions not Working

When adding exception operations, there's a note above it: Fire this trigger when an Event occurs and all of these conditions are true You'll need to create two separate rules, each containing just ...
L Martin's user avatar
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5 votes

Google SDTT gives error "Missing '}' or object member name." for my JSON-LD

If you want to provide multiple addresses, you have to specify one address property with an array value, not an array of address properties. If you click at the error in the SDTT, the tool correctly ...
unor's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the benefit of ImageObject schema org markup for images?

First of all, for the image property, expects either an URL value or an ImageObject value. This is typically the case for other properties taking an image value, too. So for the image ...
unor's user avatar
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5 votes

Google Structured Data Testing Tool Repeat Error: "The URL could not be rendered. Some markup may be missing."

After: isolating error triggers assessing what all the error triggers had in common (they all referred to external .svg files) The answer is: Google Structured Data Testing Tool doesn't yet know ...
Rounin's user avatar
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Using both JSON+LD and Microdata to markup the exact same information on a page

If you provide structured data about the same thing in different syntaxes, you should convey that it’s actually the same thing, not different things. You can do this by giving all representations the ...
unor's user avatar
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5 votes

Are html tags allowed in structured data product description?

There's an important nuance here. With structured data for search, there are multiple layers of validity: the vocabulary (, etc.), the syntax (RDFa, JSON-LD, etc.), and individual search ...
GDVS's user avatar
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5 votes

schema JSON produces error "Unparsable structured data" in Google Search Console

You need to add speech marks (") around the URL's you have in that list. Your last URL in the list also can't have a comma after it. I have placed the corrected code below. { "@context" : "http://...
Michael Scott's user avatar
4 votes

Linking external JSON-LD schema (from

This may, or may not help, but take a look at how Trevor Fox did it: <script> $.getJSON( "/your-schema-file.jsonld", function( data ) { $( "<script/>", { "type": "application/ld+json", "...
James Anderson Jr.'s user avatar
4 votes

Linking external JSON-LD schema (from

According to the documentation: […] Also, Google can read JSON-LD data when it is dynamically injected into the page's contents, such as by JavaScript code or embedded widgets in your content ...
Attila O.'s user avatar
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4 votes

How to use more than 1 schema on a web page

Not looking to be a necromancer, but there was a recent article from someone at Yoast that details problems that arise with using the @Graph type when trying to get Google search to "report" the ...
I Capulet's user avatar
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4 votes

How to use JSON-LD in my page that already have content?

Nothing wrong with Microdata or RDFa First of all, ignore Google’s recommendation if you are fine with using Microdata or RDFa. I think there are only two cases where you should use JSON-LD instead ...
unor's user avatar
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4 votes

How to describe pixel width of a VideoObject or MediaObject in and JSON-LD?

The height and width properties expect either a Distance or a QuantitativeValue value. Both of your corresponding examples are correct: Distance value: "width": "100 px" QuantitativeValue value (...
unor's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there a representative logo for Structured Data which can be used on icons?

Semantic Web The W3C provides Semantic Web logos. Here are the versions without the W3C logo: (usage guidelines) But in my experience, these logos are used to represent the concept, they don’t ...
unor's user avatar
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4 votes

"Missing '}' or object member name" error in Accommodation schema

In JSON, the last key:value pair before the closing bracket of either an object or an array should not be followed with a comma. Thus, you should delete the commas in the following two lines: "...
Henry Visotski's user avatar
4 votes

Using the types 'Organization', 'LocalBusiness' and 'LegalService' simultaneously for a law firm

By definition, every LocalBusiness is also an Organization, and every LegalService is also a LocalBusiness. types inherit all their parent types: LocalBusiness: Thing > Organization &...
unor's user avatar
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4 votes

Can Google crawl dynamic structured data added in a window.onload() event?

<script src="" defer=""></script> <script> window.addEventListener('load', function() { richSnippet(); }); </script>...
breakworm's user avatar
4 votes

Most effective structured data for a Person knowledge graph panel?

I got the knowledge graph panel. Here's what ended up working for me: I collected all of the user-visible information about myself onto one page on my website, my /contact/ page, including name, job ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
4 votes

Does google follow links discovered in JSON-LD?

Google will almost certainly find links in JSON/LD and will crawl those pages. Regardless of how Google uses JSON/LD, Googlebot has long had heuristics to find and crawl URLs embedded in JavaScript. ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
4 votes

JSON Files getting crawled suddenly

After crawling the page Google wants to render the page to look at the content. It may be the rendering that wants to see what if any additional information appears on the page. The information ...
Wayne Smith's user avatar
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3 votes

Adding Information to multiple addresses in schema markup

First of all, about the terms you use: Your example uses the Apartments type, but that is not a valid type. You probably mean Apartment. But this type can’t have the openingHours property ...
unor's user avatar
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3 votes

Absolute or relative local URL in JSON-LD?

Unfortunately I don't have enough reputation to add a comment to @unor's answer. I want to confirm that what he says is true with some evidence. I had the same question and end up doing some research....'s user avatar

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