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35 votes

Can I see if someone is using browser snapshot on my website?

No, as there is no API for detecting screenshots. It's impossible to arbitrarily know what happens outside the browser as that would be a security issue.
grg's user avatar
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22 votes

Why do browsers know to lookup the `www` record if DNS query for @ gets NXDOMAIN?

Browsers generally have heuristics built in to add missing www. from domain names, but it isn't something you should rely on: Browsers typically have a setting to turn off this "www fix up."...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
6 votes

DOMContentLoaded vs. 'load' event vs. "Finish"

Many web pages that make requests using JS are never really fully loaded, because they can always request more assets seconds, minutes or even hours later, either to update the page (think like Gmail) ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
5 votes

Are resized browser windows a real-world use case?

Users almost never resize a window while using your site. It is often possible for the resizing itself to cause problems. This is especially the case when you use JavaScript to calculate and set ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
4 votes

How to decide which browsers to support?

The objective measure is in money: How much does it cost to maintain the browser support vs how much it costs to turn away users because of browser compatibility. Costs of turning away users ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
4 votes

How can I protect my users' privacy when social share buttons may be pre-fetched?

The buttons themselves don't need to be loaded from the social site at all. For example, both Facebook and Twitter let you simply open a window with a special URL, which shows a "New post" window with ...
user1686's user avatar
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4 votes

Browser seems to automatically add 'nofollow' to links, even though it's not in the page source

As this is happening across all browsers I'd say it's unlikely a browser extension is doing this. Although still check if it happens with any turned off. Failing that, it may be that the site is ...
Max's user avatar
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3 votes

Do Google and others care how much CPU/GPU is used by the web browser to render a webpage?

Crawlers don't necessarily take into account CPU but page loading time is a factor that is taken into consideration. If your page takes too long to respond then it will not be indexed and it will have ...
Prinny's user avatar
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3 votes

Google Analytics: how to consolidate browser counts by major version number?

This is not currently possible within Google Analytics, but only takes a few short steps to do in excel. In GA, go to Audience > Technology > Browser & OS. Set the secondary dimension to "...
Jason's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is my site getting requests for URLs converted to lowercase?

These are usually hits from bad bots. Unfortunately, it is very common for bots to attempt to lowercase the entire URL. I have a website with mixed case URLs. I get thousands of hits per day for ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
3 votes

robots meta tag for specific web crawler

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> <meta name="googlebot" content="index, follow, noimageindex"> Yes, this will "work" as ...
MrWhite's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do browsers only display .jpg images and never .jpeg ones?

Thia is likely due to the way the CDN is set up. When an object is sent by the web server, the server typically asvisises the "mime type" - a string advising the kind of object - to the ...
davidgo's user avatar
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3 votes

Recent Samsung Internet browser update is blocking cookies for "log in" and "add to basket" on my site

Smart Anti Tracking has to be disabled on my Samsung galaxy s10e to make Samsung Internet usable for some standard websites such as BBC. Completely unusable otherwise. I'm surprised there's not more ...
Robert Cochran's user avatar
3 votes

How does the browser know when an element is fully rendered?

LCP can change right up until the user navigates away from the page. However it is finalised on interactions: "The browser will stop reporting new entries as soon as the user interacts with the ...
Barry Pollard's user avatar
2 votes

Is posting a small "upgrade your browser" message enough to get users off IE 7 so that they see ads?

Unfortunately there is not much you can do to prevent this as there will always be people in the world who use outmoded technology far beyond its usefulness. You can add a banner block (which should ...
Chris Rutherfurd's user avatar
2 votes

Firefox remembering telephone number as username

You can do something like this: <input type="text" name="username" autocomplete="username"> <input type="default" name="email" autocomplete="email"> <input type="password" name="...
B. Martin's user avatar
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2 votes

Firefox remembering telephone number as username

It is generally not possible without reordering your fields or without a hack. Your username field has to be right before your password field in Firefox. I had the same issue but last name instead ...
Nelu's user avatar
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2 votes

Redirecting FTP Browser Requests to HTTP

Redirection in HTTP is done at the HTTP protocol level. FTP has no such concept which means redirection at the protocol level is not possible. You might try to offer a HTML page using FTP which ...
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
2 votes

An alternate way to access adsense

I remember back in the day I used my phone to access adsense and I get redirected to the mobile site but I forgot the actual URL to it. The actual URL of the "Low-bandwidth version" is: https://www....
galeksic's user avatar
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2 votes

Many websites miss the HTML id or name attributes (no support for fragment URI's), what to do about it?

It is impossible to tell why this is less popular but we can make a few guesses: Dynamically loaded content doesn't work with fragments because the content is not there and a fragment does not cause ...
Itai's user avatar
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2 votes

Many websites miss the HTML id or name attributes (no support for fragment URI's), what to do about it?

The ID scrolling attribute using # links is very useful and you're right, it's probably underutilized. There are some things to consider however. If you're using the ID attribute for this purpose, ...
Michael d's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I protect my users' privacy when social share buttons may be pre-fetched?

I don't think this happens like you think it does... From your description, it sounds like you're expecting browsers to just follow URLs to preload whole pages - but from what I know it's a lot more ...
Attie's user avatar
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2 votes

HTTP/2.0 loads resources in parallel, will that change dependency order of CSS and JS in my HTML source code?

No. Because the browser waits until the HTML is loaded before parsing it. Once it parses the HTML, it then reads the CSS and HTML files. Browsers never concern themselves with order of downloading.
Rob's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I protect my users' privacy when social share buttons may be pre-fetched?

As an alternative to "rolling you own" sharing buttons you could use the shariff library. It's goal is maximum privacy:
bjelli's user avatar
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2 votes

is HTTP in URL referring to ":80" port number?

The HTTP specification says so in section 3.2.2: If the port is empty or not given, port 80 is assumed. This is something that has been a part of HTTP since it was invented by Tim Berners-Lee. He ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
2 votes

I have one website that seems to be cached indefinitely on my Mac

It could be a rogue cache header. Less likely is a misbehaving service worker. It might be helpful to check the HTTP cache headers for the resources that seem stuck in the cache. Also, make sure your ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
2 votes

Are IFRAMEs inherently unable to display file:/// URLs?

I've just whipped up a very quick test and confirm I have no problem displaying file:/// URL's in an iframe in either Chrome or Firefox. I do note that I use Linux on my desktop. I suspect (but can'...
davidgo's user avatar
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2 votes

Are IFRAMEs inherently unable to display file:/// URLs?

file: URLs are problematic from a security standpoint. Modern browsers have added many restrictions on file: URLs. It isn't just in iframes. file: URLs are blocked as the source for images ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
2 votes

Why do browsers know to lookup the `www` record if DNS query for @ gets NXDOMAIN?

You asked why the browsers know to do this, and Steven's answer does explain technically why they know (because the appropriate option is turned on), but not why the functionality was added. I will ...
Stobor's user avatar
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2 votes

Browser behavior using HTTPS protocol for a login form

The communication process is a bit complicated so critical encryption keys are never exposed, but the data is sent after the point of a shared secret key. It is still best practice to not assume a ...
Wayne Smith's user avatar
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