What URL structure practices are most effective for SEO now?
If there was a best, everone would be doing it. The structure of the url has a very tine effect, if any, on SEO. Just dont make it convoluted.
Use a url struture that makes it easy for users.
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url × 1374seo × 614
redirects × 120
url-rewriting × 113
google × 103
htaccess × 96
domains × 88
google-search-console × 86
canonical-url × 76
301-redirect × 63
wordpress × 62
google-search × 56
google-analytics × 46
php × 42
url-parameters × 42
search-engine-indexing × 40
search-engines × 39
apache × 38
keywords × 38
clean-urls × 38
links × 37
sitemap × 36
duplicate-content × 35
mod-rewrite × 33
html × 31