Android browser compatibility checking
The output I get from caniuse.com is different and, I believe more informative -
This says to me that Android Browser used to be based on its own code in 2014/2015, but is now based on the Chromium ...
Do the order of "Disallow" and "Sitemap" lines in robots.txt matter?
In this case, it doesn't matter. I would list the sitemap URL at the very bottom of the robots.txt, to keep things from being randomly jumbled up (it makes no sense to have it in the middle of a ...
Android browser compatibility checking
If 100% of your users use the Android browser according to your server logs then, yes, you should be worried.
I had two restaurants I created web sites for. One was next to a large financial ...
Does totally disabling cookies in my WordPress website malfunction Google Analytics?
Apparently, you can indeed disable Google Analytics cookies through PHP. How Wordpress goes about disabling cookies will determine whether it effects GA.
This code should disable GA cookies:
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