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Questions tagged [revenue]

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Why is AdMob paying less for Interstitial Ad clicks?

So, last month my app got from AdMob about $3 for all the ads displayed, and for a click on an Interstitial Ad I was getting paid about $0.40. From the start of January 2020 I noticed that the users ...
EDI ro's user avatar
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Drastic drop in AdSense click through rate (CTR) from "Visit Site" button on mobile ad clicks

Google suddenly started showing a "Visit Site" button when a user clicks on my ads on my mobile site. This forces the user to click a second time to leave my site via the ad. Google has said that ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
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Does Google AdSense show the revenue by day or by week?

In my site, Google Analytics (under Behavior > Overview) shows a revenue of $0.58. However, it is not clear if this is for the day or for the entire week. The timeline shows May 5 to May 11, so I am ...
JAT86's user avatar
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Is there any point in asking users to turn off adblockers?

I've got the impression that the number of sites asking users to turn off adblockers are rising. However, is there really any point in asking them? Apparently, a large number of users turn off ...
Magnus's user avatar
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AdSense deductions for Invalid Traffic - is that's the reason?

More than $2,700 has been deducted this month from my earnings at AdSense for invalid traffic. The only new thing about my account this month is that I opened a new website. All that revenue is coming ...
Tarek Ezzat's user avatar
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Google Analytics Measurement Protocol and Enhanced e-commerce not capturing revenue

I'm trying to use the measurement protocol to record an offline purchase on our backend system. The problem is, after I send the Measurement Protocol request, the goal conversion is captured correctly ...
Bug Magnet's user avatar
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Popular blog not making money? [closed]

I am running a popular blog magazine over 8 years, has great traffic about 500,000 impressions and 20,000 clicks monthly. The only source of revenue I use is Adsense but it is not even bringing $100. ...
pbu's user avatar
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Sources of revenue for community-led content sites

I own a large automotive forum. Its very mature and has been around with one of 3 domains names since 2001.) We get solid traffic and peaked about 5 years ago with approx 4m page views monthly. The ...
Christian's user avatar
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Is implementing Data Layer the only way to track revenue in Google Tag Manager?

I've been considering using Google Tag Manager to help upgrade my site to Universal Analytics. However, the main issue is that tracking Revenue and Ecommerce is hugely important, but implementing a ...
user35306's user avatar
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Performing experiments to optimize revenue from pages with AdSense ads

Let's say I have a page with several AdSense ads. If I will do any A-B testing of different page layouts, ads sizes and so on it would be very nice to have an ability to add a channel information to ...
Roman Matveev's user avatar
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Does the source of a visitor affect the revenue for Google AdSense ads?

I'm wondering if two ad clicks are equally valued, if one of them found the site from Google, and the other came from a referral link, would that affect the revenue paid? How about with a direct ...
jeff's user avatar
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How to conduct A/B split testing with AdSense?

Ok so I have decided to A/B test my AdSense ads. I have run a few tests, but I don't know what conclusion to draw and how to keep track of things. Some specific questions: If I have 2 test units, 1 ...
None's user avatar
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Adsense Earnings and multiple websites

Does placing my Adsense publisher's account code over many website's will reduce earnings? I mean by many websites, that sites are mine or I have exclusive rights to publish my ads there. Keep in ...
SaidbakR's user avatar
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2 answers

What's the relation between website's traffic and Google Adsense revenue?

Are there some relations between the website's daily traffic and Google's Adsense revenue? In other word, Suppose the same Ad. will be published on two different websites, the first has average daily ...
SaidbakR's user avatar
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Alternative to Google Adsense which has good international coverage

I have a technical blog (programming related) which has around 500 visit per days, 70% are international visitors and 30% are from US/CA. Google Adsense disabled my account due to invalid clicks so I ...
Yoga's user avatar
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Do alternatives to Google AdSense bring better revenues all other things being equal? [closed]

Assuming the same number of ads on a page and the same traffic, do alternatives to Google AdSense bring more (less) revenues? Does anyone have experience to share?
Jérôme Verstrynge's user avatar
3 votes
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Should I create a mobile version of my site if my Adsense revenue is mostly from mobile visitors?

I have a website running Adsense. According to Google Analytics, most of the revenue is from mobile visitors. Currently the website does not have a mobile version and does not sport a responsive/...
whonoes's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I expect some income from "utility" websites?

There are quite a few one-page-only websites that are made to perform a simple/single task. Examples of such websites include: -- generates a dummy image ...
Salman Arshad's user avatar
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Does putting more ads on a page necessarily generate more revenues?

It seems 'logic' that if you put more ads on a page, it 'should' generate more revenues. However, someone could argue that too many ads repel users, and therefore, pages with less ads are would be ...
Jérôme Verstrynge's user avatar
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Is there any Google Adsense revenue if a visitor rolls over (hovers) on an ad unit?

I have noticed an increase in interactive flash animations especilly on 300px wide adsense ads. Many of them ask the visitor to rollover to either reveal what the ad is about, show a clip, etc. So I ...
pepe's user avatar
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How to get a share of Google's search revenue?

Mozilla gets money from Google when somebody searches in Google through Firefox and then clicks an ad. If people search on your own website with Google, you also get a share if they click an ad in ...
Vitaly's user avatar
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effect of page speed on ad revenue

I'm thinking of slowing my pageloads a bit, and want to know how much ad revenue will decrease due to the slowness. For ads on a revenue-per-impression (CPM) basis, I have to worry about decreased ...
msh210's user avatar
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Selling products through affiliate an program - how to do it right? [closed]

I have 2 kind of a strange websites that has to do with health. I originally made them just to practice SEO, and since now I am an SEO guru, they get lots of traffic. The problem is that those sites ...
Genadinik's user avatar
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Is it Possible to Earn Revenue by Selling Click Data?

I have read an article about sites like google and facebook using a redirect script to keep track of who clicks what links on the web. And since they have a lot of traffic, they are monitoring a lot ...
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4 votes
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Ideas for making money off a website

I'm considering acquiring a website that traffics close to 20k a month. It's currently unprofitable, but obviously I would need to change that to justify the cost. It's a support site for a framework ...
bradenkeith's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

Donations - do they actually work?

I see lots of "Donate" buttons on websites which are not donations to charity as such, but of the form "Donate to this website in order to help keep the website running" or "If you like this website, ...
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