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Unanswered Questions

472 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
6 votes
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Fetch as google Content-length: 0 when using IIS with active request routing (ARR)

I'm very new to this and just had a new issue dropped on my desk which I could use help with. Basically all requests for domain name are routed through an IIS with active request ...
5 votes
0 answers

Google Search Console “Mobile Usability issues” but live test shows “Page is mobile friendly”

Looking into a customers site that has been having issues with Mobile Usability issues in the google search console. Specific issues are: Clickable elements too close together Text too small to read ...
5 votes
0 answers

How to stop Google translation on a link?

I use Mailchimp for campaigns. They have a feature where a person that receives the email can click the email in a web browser and translate to another language. The issue is the links in the email ...
4 votes
0 answers

Setup Google Analytics 4 property from 2 different tags

To measure my top-level domain and my subdomain I have installed 2 different Google tags in each of them and use 2 Google Analytics properties (Say Site & App). I am looking to setup a 3rd Google ...
4 votes
0 answers

What could cause a huge drop-off in traffic from two specific countries? (Germany and US)

We launched a new website in March this year and site traffic has been fairly consistent, however, since the beginning of September I noticed a huge drop off in traffic, all of which seems to be ...
4 votes
0 answers

How to prove third party review and ratings to be correct and real?

We are developing an App which of course has a website. I added some of our ratings and reviews from the users given in Google Play and Apple Store and corresponding JSON-LD's. I could not find the ...
4 votes
0 answers

Analytics imported conversions show as "No recent conversions"

I have imported a few goals from Analytics into Google Ads, but they show as "No recent conversions": The reason it's confusing me is that there are quite a few conversions in Analytics. I believe ...
4 votes
0 answers

Google Mobile Friendly Test doesn't download css/js/images reliably (cloudfront + ALB)

I use CloudFront and ALB with AWS and my site always looks good from mobile, desktop and tablet browsers. But in the Google mobile-friendly tool, it often doesn't have random images, css, and ...
4 votes
0 answers

Redirecting www and non www to HTTPS on blogger

I have a blog on Blogger and have activated HTTPS. This link works: But this does not: Is there a solution to this problem?
4 votes
0 answers

Google Search Console does ot recognize JSON-LD dynamically added to head in angular app

In my Angular(v1) application, I have a directive that on routeChanging event, remove last added JSON-LDs and add JSON-LD of that page to head element. // .. some codes here angular.element('....
3 votes
0 answers

Establishing a relationship between the author and the website / article

I have integrated the author's markup into an article markup. To link the author to the article in a semantic context, I use the mainEntityOfPage attribute. The link to the article is marked as "...
3 votes
0 answers

Why are there data discrepancies in my Google Analytics Ecommerce report when I compare year-on-year?

I have found some quite large discrepancies in my Conversions --> Ecommerce --> Product Performance report. The data for the same time period is changing when I use the 'compare to' tool. The ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to use GA4 to track page specific sales data

We are an e-commerce website and we want to track conversion data for category pages using GA4 campaign data tracking. For example, sales data of users who went through Category1, Category2, Category3 ...
3 votes
0 answers

Why doesn't Google follow the links on my site while crawling?

Google doesn't seem to realize that there are links on my page. I don't yet have provided a sitemap, and I know that I should (and I will). Regardless, I'm trying to figure out whether I've done ...
3 votes
0 answers

How do i limit the daily requests a user can make to using my google maps api key, using the new google console?

Google used to allow you to configure a maximum daily amount of API requests per user (ip address). For example if i were to set the maximum amount of daily requests to 50 and a user would make more ...

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