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Questions tagged [accessibility]

Accessibility: the practice of making sites which function smoothly for users with a variety of disabilities, including blindness, deafness, and paralysis among others.

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3 answers

Handling non-javascript fallback pages without violating WCAG guidelines

I used the demo version of powermapper tools online to scan my pages and it presents the following issue to a page I'm about to explain. Basically, a page that I have is a fallback page for clients ...
mike_s's user avatar
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SSL certificates, cookies/cache, can’t view my own website… [closed]

Can’t access my own site without occasional error message “can’t establish a secure connection”. So I ran a Windows diagnostic, which yielded zero results. So I deleted my cookies and my cache (as ...
Annie Kazandjian's user avatar
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Should we implement the accesskey HTML attribute?

I'm researching whether to add accesskeys to our site and was wondering if they are commonly used nowadays for accessibility. I checked out the source code on a dozen or so large websites and didn't ...
linnse's user avatar
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2 answers

List of SEO rules for HTML tags?

I know there are some rules related to specific attributes that some tags should have. For example, input, select and textareas should have aria-label on them. I'd like to have a full list of these ...
Bernardo Benini Fantin's user avatar
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Using URLs as anchor texts

If using a URL as anchor text (= visible link text) - is this bad practice and why? Are there any good reasons to use a URL as anchor text? Example: URL as anchor text: <a href="https://...
Sybille Peters's user avatar
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What is the correct way to implement a hero with changing H1 (correct = accessibility and SEO)

Background I have an application using Gatsby. The home page uses a video with text over the top. This text changes on a timer. The text is also the pages h1. So the static site generated by gatsby ...
Joe Lloyd's user avatar
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Detecting visitors with disabilities

Is it possible to detect if visitors of my website have a disability, especially visually impaired users? I was thinking of checking the media query Braille or Speech but it is deprecated. Maybe there ...
ZippyV's user avatar
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Is there a process for petitioning Google to factor accessibility into search results ranking?

As the questions says, is there a process for petitioning Google to factor accessibility into search results ranking? I know individual accounts can submit feature requests to specific Google products,...
mistercoffee66's user avatar
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Which main problems could arise from adding a number to a domain name?

Consider the domains and What could be the problems with adding number as in the second example? I can think about the following, I speak Hebrew and in Hebrew I could say: star ...
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NVDA unable to review landmarks on a webpage

I have to fix up a website to make it more accessible. Someone said my webpage is missing the main landmark. To confirm this, he said to download NVDA software, open up the NVDA software, then ...
learningtech's user avatar
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Zero score for accessibility because of contrast ratio

This URL got a zero score for the Accessibility audit section. Here is the the Lighthouse Report I wanted to know how find the locations at which this check failed because I cannot find a way to ...
Pallav Jha's user avatar
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Parallax effect on a webpage - SEO and accessibility

WCAG 2.1 has some guidelines and success criteria on animation and I've been able to read some articles that mention parallax, but were not able to detect clear instructions on how to make the ...
Dag Eikesdal's user avatar
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Accessibilitywise, how long should submit buttons in forms be?

Accessibilitywise, how long should submit buttons in forms be? Is there a worldly accessibility standard for minimal height (as with min-height or font-size+padding CSS directives) for submit buttons ...
timesharer's user avatar
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Accessibility and SEO implications of Fade-in-on-scroll libraries

We want to add some visual appeal to some of our content via scroll animations; IE have the content fade or slide in as the user scrolls down the page. The primary Library we're looking at using for ...
teezeCrost's user avatar
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Does accessibility (assessed by tools like lighthouse) affect SEO

Google lighthouse report has separate sections for SEO and accessibility. And I guess there could be other tools as well that provide feedback on accessibility metrics (like font background contrast). ...
Kannan's user avatar
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4 answers

Would it help SEO to put only keywords inside header tags and style other text beside it to look like part of the header?

So, I have this suggestion by a client - asking me to break the title on every section into two tags. They want to replace <h*> tag with a combination of <h*> and <p> tag such that ...
Deepak Yadav's user avatar
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Do I need to have headers attributes in <td> elements for accessibility or can scope attributes be used alone?

I'm trying to make a website I'm working on meet accessibility requirements. I've checked it at which complains about all the <td> elements in my tables not having id ...
Mikec's user avatar
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Does it matter if blockquotes contain quote characters for SEO or accessibility?

If I have a block quote <blockquote> <p>“Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.”</p> </blockquote> Does it matter or impact seo if I do or don't include quote ...
onebitrocket's user avatar
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Do I need to provide an accessible label for a link whose meaning cannot be derived from its content?

For example, let's say I have a link whose text, by itself, doesn't do a great job of explaining its meaning: <div>To complete your transaction, please click <a href="#">here<a>.<...
Dirk Diggler's user avatar
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Can a list of internal links be partly hidden in a scrolling container and repetitive anchor text removed without hurting SEO?

We are re-designing our home page and for some aesthetic reason deciding to make access to rest of our internal links (inside cards categories) by scrolling the cards and normally a portion of these ...
Reza 's user avatar
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Is it legitimate for rel prev / next links to indicate a circular sequence of pages?

Before anything else, yes, Google no longer takes note of rel prev / next and has not done so (officially) for nearly a year. Google officially deprecated rel prev / next as a crawl / indexing factor ...
Rounin's user avatar
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CTA Label: "Buy Now" vs "Buy PRODUCT NAME Now"

It seems for eCommerce CTAs, the most common label for buying products is "Buy now". From a marketing/SEO point of view it seems like the best option with highest CTR, but from an accessibility point ...
abc's user avatar
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Do we need to specifically support old browsers to be WCAG compliant or is following the robust principle enough?

I understand WCAG is technology agnostic, so it doesn't specify which browsers, devices, and operating systems that a website needs to be accessible on. However, our site isn't responsive on certain ...
meicheng's user avatar
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How to ensure a user doesn't miss a webpage crucial for constructive usage of another webpage?

I have a problem of the need to ensure that a user doesn't miss a webpage crucial for what I assume as a constructive usage of another web page. Personal example of this problem My website contains ...
user avatar
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How to use Lighthouse scoring Guide for Accessibility Audit?

I am working on scoring improvement on Accessibility Audit in Lighthouse. My client's site has an accessibility score of 60 and they aim to get it 90+. I performed the Audit using Google Lighthouse ...
Bhargav Joshi's user avatar
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Two menus one for desktop one for mobile, screen reader issues?

Suppose a webpage has two menus, one for a "desktop" sized screen and another for tablets/phones. It might looks something like this: <body> <div class="hide-me-on-wide-screens"> <...
WillD's user avatar
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html5 - <figure> element position importance

I am an advanced developer stuck with a simple question. Is the position of a <figure> element on a webpage Important or not? And what are some good use-cases of the figure element? Generally, ...
Luhn's user avatar
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Would there be any SEO or accessibility repercussions for having a blog article title appear twice in the HTML markup but only once visually?

On pages where I display a single blog post, my HTML markup structure can be broken down into the following: <body> <header><h1>Site Header</h1></header> <...
Timothy Fisher's user avatar
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Is it better for SEO to use alt text or "screen reader only" text to describe an image that has text on it?

Whenever possible I try to turn images that have text on them into html/css to separate the textual content from the image for better responsiveness and SEO. However, sometimes this cannot be done as ...
Timothy Fisher's user avatar
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Understanding the web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG): alternative for audio sample of musical instrument?

Guideline 1.2.1 of WCAG says: Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) (Level A) For prerecorded audio-only and prerecorded video-only media, the following are true, except when the audio or ...
Micha's user avatar
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How to do an accessible and SEO-friendly image header?

given these two classes (which I've copied from bootstrap 4.1.3): .sr-only { position: absolute; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0); white-...
Micha's user avatar
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2 answers

How to emphasize and punctuate words within an 'alt' attribute?

Say, when you have a fair amount of text that you need to alt. (I realize it's best to pull it out of an image and into plain text, if possible ... but things aren't always ideal, unfortunately ... ...
Aaron Wallentine's user avatar
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Correct ALT text for Screenshot Images (Bulk)

We have a downloads library containing about 22,000 items (pages) and for each of the pages, there is a section of screenshots showing the download in action. Currently, we can't go through almost ...
Ted Wilmont's user avatar
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Will text hidden except for screen readers be problematic for search engines?

I'm have an accessibility & SEO problem. I want to display more information and punctuation for the people using a screen reader. Will this code will be understand as duplicate content by Google ...
Clément Jacquelin's user avatar
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Are YouTube videos Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 compliant?

When embedding a YouTube video on a organisation's website, what is necessary to make this accessible and WCAG 2.0 AAA compliant? It's my understanding that closed captions (toggleable subtitles) are ...
Simon East's user avatar
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Testing my site for accessibility to readers

What are some quick and easy ways to determine if my web site is healthy or poor when it comes to accessibility to readers and other like devices? I don't have a reader, but need a way to test so ...
klewis's user avatar
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What is the alternative to using a "summary" attribute of an HTML table for screen readers?

Refer to the table attribute summary in MDN Usage Note: Do not use this attribute, as it has been deprecated. Instead, choose one of these methods to add a description of a table: Use prose around ...
user avatar
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Is noscript mandatory for worldwide compliance page compliance?

I tested a random page of mine with javascript on four times: once using the "Stanca Act" guideline in the scanning options, once using the "Section 508" guideline, once using the "WCAG 1....
Mike -- No longer here's user avatar
2 votes
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Identify keys bound to website buttons

After running my site through powermapper tools, they present this issue: All ONCLICK handlers should have an equivalent ONKEYPRESS handler. Section 508 1194.22 (l) WCAG 2.0 A F54 Some ...
Mike -- No longer here's user avatar
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Hide text ONLY for screen readers

The WCAG says it can be done by aria-hidden tag, but I've read it's not working at many screen readers. Can't get how display:none can help to hide some text only for screen readers (=visible to ...
jiostoph's user avatar
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Does a script tag really need a color defined?

I went to to test my website for accessibility issues. While it found no actual problems, it found about 100 potential issues. One of them is this: 1.4 Distinguishable: Make it easier ...
Mike -- No longer here's user avatar
6 votes
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Do any colors need to be explicitly defined for a webpage to comply with WCAG?

I went on to test my website for WCAG (accessibility) compliance. The tool does work, but I'm wondering if the tool is 100% perfect. It seems the tool requires me to have A,EM,IMG{...
Mike -- No longer here's user avatar
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ARIA attributes for a website about a video game?

I'm creating an interactive community website for a video game - a first person shooter. People can share ideas with others - these ideas basically consists out of images. The very rough explanation. ...
Brettetete's user avatar
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How can I restrict access to JSON data such that users cannot access it directly with their browser, but the JavaScript can still get it?

I have a JSON file which is storing some information, and another JavaScript file which show those information on the page... How can I do something that visitors of my website can't see the JSON ...
Koorosh's user avatar
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SEO - aria-label vs .sr-only

For SEO purpose, I read that invisible content has less weight that visible. Because of that, it means that using Twitter Bootstrap's .sr-only class can be, in the worst case of course, treated as ...
Radek Anuszewski's user avatar
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Title Attributes and Accessibility [duplicate]

I've been looking into accessibility recently and have read mixed articles regarding whether or not the title attributes should be included. It seems that there's a pretty good consensus that adding ...
Howdy_McGee's user avatar
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SEO: images and describing text

I have a site that is using the background image feature extensively to replace text with a graphic which contains that text in a stylized form. For accessibility and SEO purposes I have the actual ...
Sebastian Meine's user avatar
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Correct method for styling screen reader page text?

The following markup is rendered by WordPress’ the_posts_pagination(): <nav class="navigation pagination" role="navigation"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text">Posts navigation</h2> ...
codecowboy's user avatar
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Can my heading contain a hyperlink? Does this violate usability or web accessibility principles?

Is it acceptable practice to hyperlink my headings (h2 etc.)? For example: Header X blurb … Header Y blurb … Does this violate usability principles? How about web accessibility/WCAG ...
user50147's user avatar
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SEO penalty by hiding text for sighted people but not for screenreaders

Let’s say I have this setup: HTML: <a href="#" class="menu_links"><span class="hidetext">Graphic </span>Design</a> CSS: .hidetext { height: 1px; width: 1px; position: ...
Mikkel Madsen's user avatar