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Questions tagged [performance]

The art of tuning a website to deliver it's content quickly and efficiently to the user over a potentially low bandwidth connection.

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How does the browser know when an element is fully rendered?

I've been working to improve Core Web Vitals metrics on my site. One metric I've improved is decreasing the Largest Contentful Paint time. I've achieved this but using critical above-the-fold inline ...
MeltingDog's user avatar
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Why is my Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) score higher than my Speed Index (SI) score?

I'm doing some work trying to improve my site's speed. I am running multiple Lighthouse tests and using the average to measure improvements I make. I have a question about LCP and Speed Index. As I ...
MeltingDog's user avatar
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Why am I getting poorer Lighthouse Performance scores after minimising my CSS?

I'm trying to improve my site's speed. I have an isolated development version of the website hosted on a staging server and am running Lighthouse tests against it (I take the average scores of 5 ...
MeltingDog's user avatar
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Which metrics to use to evaluate web hosting performance from all over the world?

I have a website that is hosted in Europe but most of the visitors are coming from the U.S. When testing the website from a quick USA VPN it shown really poor speed load performance: >6 seconds ...
Nelie's user avatar
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What about img blob data affect for seo & client performance [closed]

in simple cms project with some picture lower 1mb , save all image as blob data in database (exp: sqlite) is good idea for files management... How does this affect SEO? for example on: pageload web ...
Alireza Dini's user avatar
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Adding GA4 using tag manager causes performance issue

I have added GA4 (google analytics 4) using GTM (google tag manager) and the google PageSpeedInsight complains about it and I get failed in Core Web Vitals Assessment: And here is how it complains: ...
Martin AJ's user avatar
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Running a ping and speed test from Africa, specifically countries with no large data centers?

I have a task to run network latency and speed tests from different parts of Africa. Specifically, I would like to run a ping test for different URLs different times of the day from those parts. These ...
jermspeaks's user avatar
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Long relative download time of first downloaded javascript file in Chrome DevTools

I'm testing the performance of a website using the network tab of Chrome DevTools. When I open the web page in a fresh incognito window, I noticed that the first downloaded javascript, which is jquery....
Manuel's user avatar
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TTFB vs SEO and My Site Location

I have a website and about 90% of the users are Brazilian, so I migrated my website to be hosted on a America/São Paulo server on Google Cloud Platform. However, after the migration I noticed that ...
Tom's user avatar
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Troubleshooting CPU Utilization Spikes on AWS ECS

Our production system has frequent spikes in CPU Utilization. These spikes occur even when the application does not have high usage. Here is an example of how we have CPU Utilization spikes frequently....
Maxim Dsouza's user avatar
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Why does my site's average position drop on weekends?

I noticed a weird patten in my GSC Performance chart - average position drops on weekends and rises back up on Mondays, peaking mostly the middle of the week. The standard response "Well, people ...
Harsha N Hegde's user avatar
3 votes
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Is setting Priority Hint fetchpriority=low for favicon.svg and/or site.webmanifest a good idea for website speed / Core Web Vitals?

I've noticed in a chromium desktop browser web console that the default priority (fetchpriority) for favicon.svg and site.webmanifest as assigned by the browser is high. Would it be a good idea to set ...
adrelanos's user avatar
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Chrome Lighthouse result for LCP don't match the Performance tab values

I'm running my app on localhost and I've been experiment with the Lighthouse tool to implement some optimizations. It's a statically built NextJS app, so it should be pretty fast. This is the result I ...
cbdeveloper's user avatar
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Preconnect domain for all images in page, not just first image

I use leaflet to display a map made of about 12 maptiles, that come from 4 Stamen subdomains, only differing with -a, -b, -c and -d middle part endings : etc So as to ...
JLuc's user avatar
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Page load speed vs requests

Interestingly enough, in Wordpress, I have installed an update for a plugin which allows my website to be loaded 0.1s faster (structurally). However, when I check the performance logs (before after), ...
Johan's user avatar
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3 answers

Does React JS Increase Page Load Time

Currently my website only uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I know that the React JS library is about 30 KB. I am wondering if that 30 KB will be downloaded from my server by every user who visits my ...
Jack N's user avatar
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DMCA Notice on Website and Effecting Traffic of all Site [duplicate]

I have received the DMCA on my website and that is effecting the traffic of whole website. I am getting less impressions and clicks on google search console since last month. I have received the DMCA ...
bilal 12's user avatar
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Does page weight matter if your Core Web Vitals scores are good?

At my company, we've done an excellent job showing people the value of using user-based metrics like the Core Web Vitals for performance testing. But this has also become a bit of a two-edged sword. ...
Dan Gayle's user avatar
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Minify at the web server level or at CDN level?

I run a Buddypress community-based website (Wordpress) and currently my site speed score is E. I am planning to buy WP Rocket because I really want to make my site faster. I use the following services:...
Huxtable's user avatar
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What is the difference between uploading a file on CDN and having a file cached by CDN?

I have a website which is cached by CDN cloudfare. I have some js/css files which I want to upload. What is the difference in terms of performance and bandwidth consumed by my website between ...
user768421's user avatar
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How to work with image sizes for different resolutions for a website?

On a casual desktop pc with 1920x1080px you would take an image with 1080px width for a background or slider image, but a website visitor with a WHQL resolution, would get a small or upscaled image ...
user avatar
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Why would Google Analytics report slow loading times when other website testing tools show it is very fast?

I have a WordPress website that is well optimized on Pingdom, GTMetrix, and GPI. When I check on Analytics Speed timings some of its pages have an average load time speed of more than 3 seconds, you ...
Weynard at Kala Digital's user avatar
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Should I change the 'preconnect' URLs from href="//" to href="https://"?

In order to speed up the load of my webpages, that use ads from Google Adsense, I'm considering to modify the following 'preconnect' directives: <link rel="preconnect" href="//...
Hookstark's user avatar
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Do smaller file sizes for webp really make it better than jpeg when rendering speed suffers?

Google claims that their WebP format is 25 to 34% lower than the equivalent JPEG quality. But in practice, using it significantly reduces the page rendering speed. Does it makes sense to sacrifice ...
saeed arab sheybani's user avatar
13 votes
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How to improve extremely slow page load time on a 23MB web page full of SVGs?

I have a webpage that is full of inline-SVG around 140+ inline SVGs! Just the HTML file size is 23MB, plus there is external CSS and JavaScript loading, though that is roughly only around 30KB. The ...
Syed M. Sannan - alt's user avatar
4 votes
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For a website behind a CDN, does it make sense to combine JavaScript into one file and host it on my server?

Currently, my website loads JavaScript libraries from several CDN providers (cloudflare, unpckg, etc.) and it is working through a CDN (cloudflare). Does it make sense to combine all third-party ...
Yuriy N.'s user avatar
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Why does my site load slower on the first attempt from an incognito browser?

My WordPress website is connected to Cloudflare CDN. It runs quite smoothly as of now. The site speed is quite good in general. However, when I load the website for the first time after like 10-15 ...
Shiva's user avatar
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Could a specific website be blocked or throttled for all users by Verizon

UPDATE: The issue was in fact a Verizon "routing" issue. I reached out to Verizon and was given the go around, so I contacted my host who did some testing. We used Nord VPN to mask the ...
Robert Dickey's user avatar
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Why are my GTmetrix scores different in different locations?

The GTmetrix score of my website when tested in Vancouver differ from the results in Mumbai by a whopping 4 seconds! Different locations are giving me different results. What's happening here and ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Does a good but less than perfect Pagespeed Insights score hurt the chances of a page ranking in Google?

I put my portfolio website through the google speed test and it got a 86. What does this exactly mean? 86 out of 100 strikes me as a good score, what does this mean for the chances of a website with ...
Neil Meyer's user avatar
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Should I use DNS prefetch and preconnect when loading resources from CDN?

In my web page I load around 12 resources from jsdelivr (CSS and JS). Should I optimize it with one (or both) of following techniques? If yes, should I put the tags right before loading tags or at the ...
Omid Shojaee's user avatar
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Should I remove HTTP to HTTPS redirects to fix performance problems reported by Google Pagespeed Insights?

I have created a brand new website in which I publish various computing services I suggest to potential customers. As far as I know, no other website on the World Wide Web links to that website and ...
RAMOS's user avatar
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How to minimize CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) for responsive layouts?

What are some suggestions for reducing content layout shift for responsive layouts? From researching "Always include size attributes on your images and video elements, or ...
milesmeow's user avatar
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Core Web Vitals (CLS and LCP) errors for a client-rendered Single Page Application (built with React + Firebase)

I have a SPA (single page website) build with React + Firebase and I've been getting these Core Web Vitals errors (see images below). My website is loading normally both on Desktop and Mobile. And I ...
cbdeveloper's user avatar
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Will removing a HTML section block from my all website pages, affects SEO and my website rank?

So I have a hidden HTML section block that is heavy and requires multiple HTTP requests, which slowing my website page speed load. So I am trying to implement a lazyloading methodology for this ...
Ahmed Moayad AlMoghrabi's user avatar
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Could a slow website cause visitors from a Facebook ads campaign to bounce?

I have a website with traffic problems. The web site sells a product in Spanish. I recently created a Facebook ads campaign, and it got 96 visits. But Google Analytics only registered 9 visits. I ...
Superpapa's user avatar
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How to determine if APCu is overall lighter than Memcached in a usecase?

I would say that my personal website is at least currently a "small" website. It is a MediaWiki-based all-core website without images at all and of about 750 webpages of generally no more ...
humbleasker's user avatar
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Does content below the fold affect CLS (cumulative layout shift) score?

From what I've read on CLS it's worked out with the following formula (essentially stuff in the viewport): area of impact region / area of viewport = impact fraction max move distance / viewport ...
AGrush's user avatar
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Prerendering vs. loadtime optimization

While loadtime optimization we turn many adjusting screws, which all have different efficiency and need different afforts. Is it not better to prerender all, or most important, pages and to guarantee, ...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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Use A.jpg if you have it in cache, otherwise use B.jpg?

Let's say I have one page big.html that uses <img alt="big image" src="big.jpg" width="300" height="300" /> where big.jpg is indeed an image of 300 by ...
Hagen von Eitzen's user avatar
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Website seems idle before loading content [closed]

When we navigate to our Wordpress website, it can sometimes remain idle for 3 to 10 seconds before appearing to load content. This can happen at random times. We have observed it happening on multiple ...
xandi's user avatar
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web hosting metrics

I've started a new role overseeing an ad hoc web hosting division. My boss has asked me to find some metrics he can use to ensure I'm on track ensuring the hosting services are run okay. Can you ...
Steve Doig's user avatar
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Site speed using web fonts - Self-hosted vs Google Fonts etc

Whilst looking for the right solution for me, I have been looking at the question here Using fonts on websites: Webfonts vs downloaded fonts, and one of the answerers states: The information given to ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Can I rely on Google Lighthouse reports (especially for mobile sites)?

We have started to use Lighthouse to track the improvements we make to our sites. While this seems to work quite well for desktop sites, i.e. we see the values improve over time and as we make changes,...
jfix's user avatar
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Adsense TOS regarding preconnecting origins

Is it against adsense TOS if I preconnect origins like,, and others that are commonly used by adsense? The ...
Kannan's user avatar
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Would it introduce lag and bad user experience to host a website with two hosting companies?

I'm developing a website for a customer that has two companies, but the two are closely related. The customer wants two separate sites that look and function as one site as far as users are concerned. ...
Marilyn's user avatar
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PageSpeed is A, 91% but Fully Load Time is 4.8 Seconds

As my title suggests there is, to me, a discrepancy with the A Rating I received. My site using GMetrix ranks very high but the "Page Load" seems very slow. Why isn't that bringing down my ...
Henry's user avatar
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Time to FCP changes based on order of <h2> and <p> tags

I was troubleshooting why one particular page took a full second longer to reach FCP compared to similar pages for mobile according to Google's Page Insights. The difference ended up being the order ...
Trebor's user avatar
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How to measure processes in Total Blocking Time in Google PageSpeed?

I am trying to measure specific TBT as outlined in Google's documentation The Total Blocking Time (TBT) metric measures the total amount of time between First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Time to ...
notthehoff's user avatar
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Largest contentful paint (LCP)>2.5

Google (GSC) has flagged almost half of my content as taking longer than 2.5 seconds to LCP on mobile. I've spent several days trying to optimize my site to reduce the time it takes, but I can't get ...
Trebor's user avatar
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