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Unanswered Questions

205 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Using display: none VS a SPA approach, when it comes to SEO and performance

Say I have a component like, // first approach (SPA) const Component = () => { const [show, toggle] = React.useReducer(show => !show, false) return ( <div> {show && &...
3 votes
0 answers

Start hosting with firebase

I made a new firebase project and web app, and i want to use firebase hosting on it. I have a directory set up on replit with html, js, css, but how do i host it on firebase? I have tried looking at ...
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0 answers

SEO | VueJS | Why do I see "We're sorry but desk-app doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue." in web browser?

I set up a single page application using Vue.js and Firebase. It works fine but when I search for the website in Google Chrome, this is what pops up : I expect to see a proper description, instead of ...
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0 answers

Can i use both Google Analytics and Google Ads Tag for tracking same event in Google Tag Manager?

I am not very experienced with Google Tag Manager, I wanted to track users who are filling a specific form on my website. So i have set up Google Analytics: Universal Analytics Tag for tracking users ...
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0 answers

GA4 Configuration Tag Firing Status "Failed"

I have 2 environments set up in GTM (Live and UAT) using the Constant Variable and Lookup Table for GA4 Config Tag implementation. The live environment works fine, but the UAT environment does not. ...
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0 answers

PageSpeed Insights warns me about my AMP pages: "Remove duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles"

I've checked the score of my AMP pages with Google PageSpeed Insight, and I received this message in red: "Remove duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles" This is the initial piece of code ...
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0 answers

What might select a field and scroll to it, without using 'scroll', 'focus', etc?

I have inherited maintenance of a mess of a project. There's a particular set of (rather tall) pages that scroll way down the page on every page load, and eventually it occurred to me that it's ...
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0 answers

Track visitors across different domains using Google Analytics even when they don't click between the sites

Apparently there are ways to track visitors across different domain using google analytics as described in documentation here and here. It follows the principle where a visitor click on a link on ...
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0 answers

What is the name for a paginated scrolling effect with distinct stopping points in the scroll?

For example: What is the name of the scrolling effect used on the link above? Where when you scroll or arrow down the page ...
3 votes
0 answers

Does Googlebot cache JavaScript files between two pages if they expire in one year?

My question is about javascript websites. Suppose GoogleBot has crawled Does it request all the javascript files again when crawling index....
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0 answers

GTM Size Budgets - What's an average Google Tag Manager payload size (kB/files/other)?

On a landing page I've built, 80% of what the user downloads in terms of kB and even more in terms of number of files comes from GTM. It's an extremely condensed site outside of the GTM implementation,...
3 votes
0 answers

DataLayers, Wordpress and Analytics not showing any info

I'm trying to use a JS function to retrieve data from categories, posts and etc, but I can't get any data. Here is the code I've been trying to use: gtm_datalayers = function() { var dataLayer = ...
3 votes
0 answers

How do you trigger a Google Analytics event for section scroll using Google Tag Manager?

We have section in a page where the content inside the section in scrollable within that particular section. i.e the Height of the section is fixed but we can add any length of content inside that ...
3 votes
0 answers

Custom HTML Tag not firing in Google tag manager?

<script> (function(){ var data = { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage", "@id": {{Page URL}} }, "headline": {{...
3 votes
0 answers

Data Layer Variable return Type & Value showing Undefined in Google tag manager?

I applied product schema using JSON-LD script in google tag manager. For this i create: Custom-HTML tag in JSON-LD Script for product schema Trigger the tag(filter type: page URL, Contains, ...

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