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Ads on low content but high engagement (ish?) site?

I've been running an online game for a few years now, where you guess the results of football matches in major tournaments. It started with a small group of friends, but has been slowly growing and I'...
Björn Kristinsson's user avatar
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Online Bookmarks [closed]

I want to save my bookmarks online so that I could access them from anywhere, from any computer. So I want to know the site name or if there is any tool for it as I cant remember lots of site's name, ...
Priya Saxena's user avatar
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Voting stars - Embed script online service? [closed]

Disqus is a free service for comments There are alot of free services on the web, for example Disqus for comments. Free service for voting stars? Is there a free service that provide voting stars? ...
Jens Törnell's user avatar
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Is there a online website to forward incoming emails to a other emails?

I created a PHP program that receives emails from clients, then I manually forward the client's email to around 50 suppliers. Is there a possibility or an online website, so that when a client sends ...
user1974470's user avatar
8 votes
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Monitoring offline conversion of online advertisements

I'm working for a company that is beginning with online advertisement and the following challenge was set: How can you monitor the effectivess of the advertisement in actual sales? The real ...
Renan's user avatar
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Data on male/female online buying patterns

Looking for data on the buying pattern for males vs females online: Percent of transactions (with estimated count of total transactions) Percent of total dollar value (with estimated total in US-...
blunders's user avatar
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Where does content distribution network come into picture for youtube

I have vaguely heard of CDNs (Content Distribution Network) and I suppose they come into picture in context of multimedia(audio/video) online sites like youtube. My question is what really are these ...
xyz's user avatar
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What is the online survey/feedback widget that looks like "[+]" (a crosshair) in the bottom right

I'm trying to setup a site rating survey so marketing in my company can gather feedback information about a site. I've seen before large companies using a tool which puts a small animated crosshair in ...
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any open-souce system for online ticket sale?

Hi All: Is there any open source project that can be used to build a on-line ticket sales system, like: ticketmaster or eventbrite etc..? Thanks!
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