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Questions tagged [dhis2]

DHIS 2 is a web-based open-source information system with visualization features including GIS, charts and pivot tables.

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1 vote
1 answer

Tracker capture android app for DHIS2.20 is not working

We are trying to use the app with our DHIS2 2.20 server. The app logs in and seems to be loading the data but eventually no org. units show up in the list. Is any additional setup required for the ...
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1 answer

Importing beneficiary records into DHIS2 tracker from Excel

I am working on a project where we have about 80K (80,000) beneficiary records in an Excel spreadsheet. Can I import this into DHIS2 tracker?
2 votes
2 answers

Data import using CSV into DHIS 2

We have a lot of legacy data sitting on our Excel file that we need to import into our new DHIS2 database. How can we upload the data onto the DHIS using CSV? It is costing us a lot in terms of time ...
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1 answer

Unable to login to local DHIS2: Getting a null value in the SessionId

I have installed DHIS 2 version 2.33.0 on a local instance following steps mentioned here. I have also restored the sample database dump. I am able to create new users, but couldn’t log in using ...
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0 answers

How to recover or reset a forgotten admin password in DHIS2?

How can I find my DHIS2 admin password? I remember that I changed the default password but I do not remember what was the new one. Is there a way to change the password from bash?
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0 answers

Dataset created in DHIS2 not appearing in the dataset dropdown listing

After creating a DHIS2 dataset and assigning it to the respective Org unit, when I get to the data entry app I am not able to get the created dataset on the dataset dropdown listing. I have tried ...
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1 answer

DHIS data stored locally is not uploading to server (progress bar never completes)

I have created data collection forms in a new instance of DHIS2 and am in the process of entering data for different org units. However a yellow pop up is telling me that there is data stored locally ...
5 votes
3 answers

How do I bulk delete data in DHIS2 that has been entered via data entry forms

I have entered data into DHIS2 using data entry forms and would like to delete it, individually or in bulk for multiple geographical units - is there an easy way to do this? Additionally - when I ...
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0 answers

In DHIS2, what is the highest number of data element that a numerator can contain to make up an indicator?

Recently, we updated the family planning dataset to collect data on 6 different age groups by clients prefered methods across all family planning acceptors (both new and continuing). So in calculating ...
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0 answers

For DHIS2, how do I remove Filter in Section and replace it with a title

I do not want data element filtering to be possible
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1 answer

DHIS 2.30 is displaying some icons and buttons with corrupted characters

I have installed DHIS2 2.30 on tomcat 9 with PostgreSQL. I have a problem with the display. For example, when I go to 'Maintenance', the button for 'Add' and 'List' are not showing right. They are ...
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1 answer

Is it possible to drill down in the DHIS2 visualizer?

In DHIS2, I'm trying to create a chart (column chart or pie chart) with drill down on organization unit, period, or data dimension. I have not been able to do that. How do I do so?
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0 answers

Export data from DHIS2 with link between parent and child tables?

We are trying to export a “parent table” if we can call it so, with its “child table”. Both are connected using a relationship type. When data is added in the parent table, the user can go to the ...
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0 answers

Does DHIS 2 support field image capture?

Does DHIS support image capture in the field through the android app? I would like to use the platform for alien plant invasion research, and soil erosion on coastlines research.
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0 answers

DHIS2 Live Install Problem - HTTP Error 503 - Windows 10 Home v10

I am trying to install and use DHIS2 Live for a small project. I have followed the instructions in the latest DHIS2 Implementor Guide, and extracted the downloaded zipped file to my desktop. When I ...
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2 answers

DHIS 2 web request gives "Invalid character found in the request target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986"

When opening the DHIS 2 Tracker capture app, the AP request for the me resource leads to a 400 client side error. When looking in the Tomcat logs I see: Invalid character found in the request ...
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0 answers

DHIS2 Version 2.30: Unable to see aggregate data values in pivot table

I have an issue on my dhis2 instance. I am unable to see my aggregate data values in the pivot table application even though I am able to see them in the data entry application. I have tried checking ...
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0 answers

Dhis2 data set is not shown in the data entry drop down

I created a data set and assign it to organization units. Now I notice that the data entry drop down shows nothing when I select the organization Unit. What is going wrong? I use Dhis version 2.31.
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2 answers

Import sample data into DHIS2 Live

I've set up DHIS2 Live on my computer. I would like to import the sample data that is supplied along with DHIS2 Live, it's a file called "default.sql". How do I go about importing sql data? thanks......
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0 answers

DHIS2 attribute category combination shows no dropdown list options

I created a attribute category combination in the DHIS2, But for some reason when I choose the attribute category combination as part of my Dataset form, I can't see the list of category options in ...
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0 answers

DHIS Pivot table returning an Internal Server Error when moving "Organization Unit" to a "Row dimensions"

While working on a pivot table, everything works fine until I move the "Organization Unit" to a "Row dimensions", This doesn't happen for all "Data" types, this happen when an indicator has a ...
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1 answer

Where are stored the files uploaded to DHIS2? in which location on the server are the uploaded files stored?

We are trying to create an automatic backup of the files uploaded to DHIS2 and wondering where are the files uploaded stored?
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2 answers

How can we edit a Program Stage Instance that is not marked as completed but DHIS2 doesn't allow to edit it?

While being superuser of my DHIS2 Instance, sometimes my users (or even myself) try to edit a Program Stage Instance that is not marked as completed but the editing of the elements seems disabled (...
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1 answer

How to change X-Frame-Option in dhis-live

Where is the config for X-Frame-Option in dhis-live? I know it has security reason to put X-Frame-Option equal to sameorigin but I am going to change it.
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1 answer

Can DHIS2 provision users in advance and then have them log in using OAuth2?

We are looking at using DHIS2 as the data mart/dashboard backend for an application we are built. Its great that it has OAuth2 built in which makes it easy for us to allow SSO for a user. However is ...
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1 answer

reCAPTCHA v1 not working with DHIS 2

It seems that Google has stopped support for reCAPTCHA v1 and reCAPTCHA v2 is necessary. I am getting a message "Cannot contact reCAPTCHA. Check your connection and try again". How can I resolve this ...
1 vote
3 answers

Can we use fixed period value of a data element in an indicator in DHIS2?

I need to have the Beds’ utilization rate (%) calculated for my 5 Org Unites. I collect the "Number of occupied beds" as a separate data element on a monthly basis. The number of beds per Org Unit ...
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1 answer

"Determining your root organisation units" in DHIS2

When wanting to create a 'Organisation unit group', instead of it showing me the organisation tree, it says 'Determining your root organisation units' without showing any of my Organisation Unit. ...
2 votes
2 answers

What is the purpose of DHIS2's "aggregation type" when "editing data element"?

I can't find details about "aggregation type" in "editing data element" in DHIS2. What is its purpose and what should the value inside be?
2 votes
1 answer

Two DataSets similar Rows Different Columns in DHIS2

I am going to create two data sets in dhis2. They have similar row names (data elements) but the column names are different Table 1 col1 col2 col3 row1 1 2 3 row2 4 5 ...
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1 answer

How to have multiple select attributes of an entity in DHIS2 tracker?

In DHIS2 tracker, during the registration of an entity, how can I make the user able to select multiple options of an attribute?
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1 answer

Is it possible to have master detail option sets in DHIS2?

In DHIS2, is it possible to have master detail option sets? for example countries as an master option set and cities as detail option set.
2 votes
3 answers

How do I change the appearance of the DHIS 2 login screen?

I want to tailor the look of DHIS 2 to my organization. How can I change the flag in the top-left corner and put a notification on the login screen of DHIS 2?
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1 answer

Reports in DHIS2 don't show data after entering the event capture

I am using DHIS2 live package. I defined a simple program without registration so it has only one stage. The program is assigned to an orgUnit in level 2 similar to data elements Data Elements are ...
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1 answer

How to rearrange Data set in Column in DHIS2 form

I have a form section where some data set have Options and also have indicators, how i can do that, like in image below In this I have one Data element with name of New Cases having multiple options ...
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1 answer

How to delete users on DHIS2 2.18

Please can someone help me. I created a user in DHIS2 version 2.18 but now i want to delete/remove that user; every time i click 'remove' it is taking forever. Please help me
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1 answer

Cannot see any user role as user manager while creating new users in DHIS2

I want to create a DHIS 2 user which should function as a user manager. This user manager should only be given the authorities to create new users, and not other types of authorities. I have created ...
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1 answer

DHIS2 Map Embed/API error: "holes must not contain null elements"

I need to embed a map from DHIS2 onto a web page. Dissecting the example @ I get to the map from its API link But ...
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1 answer

Problem starting DHIS@ using sample PostgreSQL db - HTTP ERROR: 503

I downloaded the dhis2-db-sierra-leone.sql db and imported it into PostreSQL 9.4 running on Windows 8.1. I have configured the dhis.conf as: #hibernate.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect #...
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1 answer

How to find all Indicators that use a specific data element via the DHIS2 API?

What is the best way to find all Indicators that use a specific DataElement? Do I have to search for the id in the numerator and denominator strings like this, or is there a better way? /api/25/...
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1 answer

Filtering pivot table results by organisation unit

I am trying to create a filter to be used with the pivot table results, so that only the filtered OrgUnits will appear. For that I have created OrgUnit groups and have used them in the pivot table. ...
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1 answer

Delete data records in DHIS 2 Tracker

I have entered test data into the DHIS 2 Tracker program. Now I want to delete all test data. How can I do this?
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1 answer

Assigning the same data element different dis-aggregations for different time periods possible in DHIS2?

We are experiencing a problem here. Since we adopted DHIS2 in 2014, the Ministry of health has changed its reporting tools twice. Yet we also had to import legacy data into the system from as far back ...
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1 answer

Can a data element be part of multiple data sets in DHIS2?

In DHIS2, is it possible to have a data element be part of two different data sets? If so, will it lead to duplication of data values?
2 votes
1 answer

Error while creating a new user through web api (Dhis2.25)

Error : attempted to assign id from null one-to-one property [org.hisp.dhis.user.UserCredentials.userInfo]" Payload I am using: Payload: { "firstName": "John", "surname": "Doe", "email": "...
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1 answer

DHIS 2 Tracker capture dashboard Timeline Data Entry sorting

With dhis 2.25, in the tracker capture dashboard, in the section "Timeline Data Entry", if you have more than one event for the same day, it is sorted by alphabetic, is it possible to have it sorted ...
0 votes
1 answer

Viewing org unit attributes in pivot table analysis in DHIS2

How can I generate the attributes I defined and assigned to Organisation units on pivot table report. Like if I assign an attribute say Old Health Facility, Old health facility.
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0 answers

Runtime Error with background script in Dhis2 Tabular Tracker Capture [closed]

I faced this issue on Friday evening, when I added new client and I tried to edit her profile. Then I hit run to list client windows as usual however there was no data showing. I captured screen and ...
2 votes
1 answer

DHIS 2.25 says "Encryption is not configured" - how do you enable it?

In DHIS 2 version 2.25, in the tracked entity attribute screen, under the Confidential field, it says "Encryption is not configured". How do I enable this and allow for confidential/encrypted values?
3 votes
1 answer

Why do events come in out of order in DHIS2?

I am experiencing some odd behavior with DHIS2. When capturing data on tracker capture, the events come in different orders. For example, admission comes before treatment, but when I schedule another ...