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Unanswered Questions

145 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to handle AngularJS hash bounce in Google Anlaytics?

Google Analytics append string is stripped off due to angular hash (#) bounce. when you click on it this link, the following actions occurs: a link appears in browser as ...
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Can images be combined using the clip CSS Property while still maintaining image SEO and semantics?

I have two images in my web page. Actually there are 20 but I want to keep things simple: <div> <img src="apple.png" alt="Apple" /> <img src="orange.png" alt="Orange" /> &...
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checking for duplicate title and meta description tags across multiple subdomains

I know in Google Webmaster Tools, under "search appearance" for any domain, there's an "HTML Improvements" section which only checks crawled URLs specifically for that domain. My website has ...
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404 error - page loads fine. OSCommerce - Seperate WP install on blog.

I have looked over other peoples posts but I cant find anything to fix this specific error. On my site, I have 2 CMS - one for the main site which is OS Commerce and I have Wordpress installed on the ...
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How to clean PmWiki from JS:Includer-AWG and protect my site from future infections?

I'm hosting a site for an NGO for several years now. The site seems to be based on a PmWiki backend. I don't know much details because I'm just hosting the site and I'm not the guy who set it up. I ...
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Google analytics in E-commerce iframe not tracking source

I have a ticket booking system in an iframe. I am tracking sales but the source of the sales is not being recorded. I'm trying to shed some light on why this might be. The code on the parent page is ...
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Does Google Analytics not track data accurately when reporting the same pages to multiple accounts?

I am reporting my traffic to 2 different Google Analytics accounts. Using Universal Analytics, I am doing something like: ga('create', 'UA-XXXX', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); ga('create', 'UA-...
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Line Feed or Carriage Return - What to use?

In javascript, Line Feed and Carriage Return behaves similarly. Which one to use and when? OR Can it be used alternatively? Unicode Characters: Line Feed: \u000A Carriage Return: \u000D Code: &...
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1 answer

SEO: How is a javascript history.back link treated by search engines?

I have an back button on each page and subpage on my website. I always takes the user to the previous page, no matter how many posts and redirects etc. happened on the subpage the user is on Now I'm ...
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1 answer

AdSense: "adsbygoogle.push() error: No slot size for availableWidth=0"

I'm trying to build a webpage which shows responsive AdSense mobile ad slots when mobile visitors and desktop ad slots when desktop visitors. This is my HTML code: <html><head> <script ...
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SEO Structure of a Forum Built with Javascript Library

Imagine that I am developing a forum etc. with any javascript library. When we enter a profile page or a forum topic in this software, it sends a request from the URL data to the database and then ...
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Impact of React.js Client-Side Rendering on SEO, for Tool Collection Website?

I’m developing a website that offers free tools like converters, compressors, and calculators. My setup includes ASP.NET Core as the backend API and React.js for the frontend. While researching ways ...
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Cloudflare times out when displaying pages with CSS/JS

Update (8/22/2024): I've tried setting up Nginx to solve this but it also faces the same issue. In addition the people who've replied both here and on Reddit both tell me this is a Cloudflare issue. ...
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canonical links on multi-domain site

I have a question about using link[rel="canonical"] elements. Consider a company with an international site com-domain and a site located inside China cn-domain (actual domains trigger Stack ...
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Simplified page view with URL

Earlier there was a Google url where one got a simplified page view of any url. Now this service is dead - you get just a 404. Does somebody know something ...

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