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Unanswered Questions

146 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Googlebot cannot access '' and '.js'. Is this preventing my site from getting indexed in Google search?

When I fetch and render it is showing partial. It looks fine. The same way Google sees it is the same way visitors see it. But '' and '.js' are showing blocked. But I didn't blocked ...
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0 answers

Do too many google chart scripts affect adsense loading

I have a fairly dynamic website that uses google visualization api. (Every page displays 6 to 10 charts.) <script type='text/javascript'>google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart','...
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0 answers

JavaScript console errors in Google Search Console - is it still mobile-friendly?

I am seeing mobile usability issues in my Google Search Console report. When I tested the pages they were 'Mobile Friendly' but there were some page loading issues: page resources couldn’t be ...
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0 answers

How to remove form autofocus on a Twitter Bootstrap form

I'm using Bootstrap on a site. Bootstrap is loading via a cdn. I can't edit the code directly. How can I remove the form auto focus? When I visit the page it automatically jumps down to the bottom of ...
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0 answers

Quotes with HTML attribute problem showing up in Google's data highlighter

We have a Bengali website and there are some category pages for art and literature. When we are using any narration with "example" quotes, it's showing errors in Google Search Console Data ...
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0 answers

Would having Angular tags in source code hurt SEO or would they just be ignored?

A developer wants to create an Angular site and of course still populate the page with HTML so the search engines can read the content. In the source code there are Angular tags like in the ...
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0 answers

Does repeating heading text in a span hurt SEO?

For the design I am following, I've had to repeat heading text on a site I am building. I was wondering how this might affect SEO and if I should invest time in trying to change the markup to only ...
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0 answers

Massive URLs being recorded due to search redirects - are bots going into a loop and slowing down website

I'm looking at a client's website and using Screaming Frog to give a general analysis and it is recording massively long URLs due to what I think are search redirects - see Example below. I'm ...
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0 answers

Get cookies from a third-party site by sending login information using JavaScript

I have a website (ASP.NET) which also provides an API. But to access it, it requires login. I want to connect to this site with javascript, 'send' the user credentials to it and receive the cookies (...
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0 answers

Why is my Last-Modified header always sent using GMT timezone?

I want to send the last-modified in IST timezone, But it always sends in GMT. What is wrong with this PHP code? echo "Timezone " . date_default_timezone_get () ; //==>verified, timezone set ...
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0 answers

Does a websocket based site for best possible speed combine well with SEO?

I'm tasked with creating a website and doing whatever it takes for the best possible speed. Preferably the content of the website is updated real-time (or close to real-time). As such, I thought it'd ...
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0 answers

Can I use < and > in my meta title and is it allowed by Google?

I want to use in title Get <my special product> at offer price. Is it allowed by Google and HTML standard to use < and > in meta title?
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0 answers

HTML Code in Google Search Description/Snippet

When googleing for a certain keyword, Google will list our site along with this description: Wie die Spitzenforschung im globalen Dorf abläuft, zeigt das neue Globe. ETH Zürich, Globe Magazin, 1/16 ...
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0 answers

SEO Impact of Javascript for typography (like kerning.js, lining.js & co)

From the design perspective the typography options presented by css are somewhat limited and there exist many javascript libaries that give us very handy tools to manipulate the font-rendering. ...
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0 answers

how to include images,scripts that are in default folder of views in web2py

I have an image in the default folder of views as an example in the below link ( and even some scripts in the same folder.that is ...

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