In javascript, Line Feed and Carriage Return behaves similarly.

Which one to use and when?


Can it be used alternatively?

Unicode Characters:

Line Feed: \u000A

Carriage Return: \u000D


    alert("Hello \u000A World - <LF>");
    alert("Hello \u000D World - <CR>");
  • 1
    While not exactly an answer to your Question, the newline (\n) is preferable, at least in your example (and probably elsewhere as well).
    – akTed
    Commented Jan 16, 2013 at 5:02
  • @AKTed could you explain why i should prefer newline (\n) more than line feed (\r) ?
    – abhisekp
    Commented Jan 16, 2013 at 5:22
  • 1
    I shouldn't have said preferable since that implies a standard. It is really a lazy way to code. See this Answer for why you should really use both: /r/n.
    – akTed
    Commented Jan 16, 2013 at 5:51
  • 2
    @AKTed: That question and answer is about the HTTP protocol. If you're writing an HTTP client in JavaScript, then, sure, you should use \r\n, but that's a very specific context. In the context of an alert box and most other scenarios where you just want to create a new line, all you need is \n ("newline"). There's no real reason to use a carriage return. There's no carriage or cursor to return or an arbitrary specification/outdated tradition that requires it. Commented Jan 16, 2013 at 8:16
  • 1
    You can write "\n" in an alert. alert("hello" + "\n" + "world") or simply alert("hello\nworld"). As far as I know, that's valid in all browsers. I can't say which is better, but that's the way I've usually seen/done it.
    – akTed
    Commented Jan 17, 2013 at 5:23


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