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Questions tagged [google-plus-one]

Google's new sharing button, which can influence a websites position in Google's personalized search results.

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3 votes
2 answers

Does a Google+ page help SEO of our company website?

I have a Google plus page created a few years ago. I also have a Google My Business account. Recently I got mail from Google which stated that they are going to close the Google plus page. Will ...
user65855's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Link google's +1 to my website's +1 page, or to my website itself

My current Google plus one link is tied to my business' Google+ page and it was nice to see that when I moved my website to another domain the new domain has all the +1s (as its Google+ page hasn't ...
Ashkan Mobayen Khiabani's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why do two different +1 buttons on the same page but for different urls show the same counts?

The following buttons always display the same count (which is the count of the page without the querystring) despite being different urls: <div class="g-plusone" data-size="small" data-href="...
Danny Tuppeny's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Google +1 button: data-href

I'm confused about Google+ +1 button. I have a web application and I've added a +1 button, but I'm not sure what URL I have to put on data-href. It seems like you have to create a web page on your ...
Manolo's user avatar
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Google+ and SEO: +1 button or follow button / profile badge on a new website?

I am starting a new website, and I expect only to have few daily visitors for the first month. I know how +1s on the different pages could help the rank of that specific page in Google search. but we ...
Omne's user avatar
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2 answers

Is my PageRank/linkjuice affected after 301 redirect and losing social likes?

I had to restructure my URL's and had to introduce some 301 redirects. However, then the Facebook likes and Google +1's of the old pages are also lost. Besides it's a shame those numbers don't show ...
Adam's user avatar
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0 answers

How to setup multiple Google+ pages with different languages/websites which share +1s?

How can I setup multiple Google+ pages for our product for users who speak different languages and share the +1 between those pages? We have a web domain for every language our product supports. I ...
Amenti's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Static Google +1 button

Google+’ +1 button generator only shows options for generating dynamic buttons (i.e. via client-side scripting). For reasons related to German privacy & data protection law, this isn’t acceptable ...
Konrad Rudolph's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Impact of +1 on blogpost for the rootsite [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is the google +1 button domain dependent or url dependent? Lets say I have a blog at . I have some blog posts and they are +1'd. What is the impact of these +...
Denny Mueller's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Make Google Plus One only work for the domain and not the path [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Make Google +1 button +1 a specific URL rather than the URL it's on? I'm creating an image sharing website, and since it's going to have many thousand links, then it's ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
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0 answers

Button to +1 both website and Google Plus page? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Connecting +1s on a Google+ Business Page and a webpage People can +1 both our website (ie. +1ing the URL of its home page) and our Google Plus business page. It would be ...
tog22's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Make Google +1 button +1 a specific URL rather than the URL it's on?

Can I make a Google +1 button +1 a specific URL - e.g. my front page, - rather than the URL the button's on? I've read that you can do this by putting that URL between ...
tog22's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I view all the people who have +1ed my site? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can I find out who is +1ing my website? I have a +1 button on my blog and I'd like to be able to see who has +1ed my blog posts. How do I view all the people who have +1ed a ...
daviesgeek's user avatar
3 votes
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Some questions about social plugins (facebook, twitter, google+)

I have some questions regarding social plugins (facebook, twitter, google+). By asking the following questions I would like you to take into considaration the following parameters: I want my website ...
dinbrca's user avatar
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2 answers

Confirm that someone has Google +1 'd a link

I'm considering a campaign for my existing customers that would offer them a discount on products when they +1 our site. Is there a way to prove that someone has +1'd our site?
Paul Alexander's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Google+ Share Button not using specified thumbnail

I have a Google+ Share button for each article on my website. At the moment, when I try to use it, Google+ uses an unrelated image in my document (probably the first one in the document above a ...
ySgPjx's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Google +1 number variations

I've been looking at this for a few days now, our Google+1 count on our homepage is +206 when I am signed into my Google account, but comes out as 198 when I am not signed in to my Google account! ...
Tom Gullen's user avatar
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Google Author information in search results still havent displayed my details in search results

I followed the following instructions but still not clear whether i had completely understood it.
Jayapal Chandran's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is the google +1 button domain dependent or url dependent?

Is the google +1 button domain dependent or url dependent? Ie: If has a +1 count of 20, will also have a count of 20 ?
John's user avatar
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Encouraging recurrent users to +1 (or Facebook Like)

I want to display a message to users who have visited my site 5 times, but have not yet +1'ed or Like'd to please do so. I guess javascript and a cookie are likely required. But have no idea how to go ...
Yannick Wurm's user avatar
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How can I get plusone to display my images?

I just put an google plusone button on my site. If I +1 the page and then go to my google+ account and look at my +1's it shows up, but it has no picture. So my question, are there any tips to get +1 ...
Jonathan Andersson's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Google +1 something via a URL

Is there a way to +1 something via a URL, just like you would with Twitter or Facebook? e.g. With Twitter you have:{url} With Facebook you have: http://www....
psp's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How Many Google +1's Does a Website need in order for Google WebMaster's Tools to Show Characteristics?

I have added the Google +1 Button to my website and discovered the new Social Activity section in Google WebMaster's Tools. Apparently, one of the interesting things you can learn about your audience ...
Asaph's user avatar
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2 answers

How can the Google Plus one Button aid in SEO [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Will Google's New +1 Count For SEO I have setup the Google Plus One button on my website. I would like to know how it could affect the SEO of my pages. I heard that only ...
Sam's user avatar
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1 answer

widget / template code for +1, Like, Follow on Twitter etc

I am trying to setup a website for this design studio and need to put in a widget which would allow people to "Like, +1, follow on twitter" etc. I have been writing code for some years now, but I am ...
brainydexter's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Google+ share button

My client is asking for a Google+ share button alongside the Facebook, Twitter, etc. ones. I don't have a Google+ invitation yet, but it seems from screenshots that Google+ has the concept of sharing ...
Peter Taylor's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Can I find out who is +1ing my website?

So I finally took the plunge and added a +1 button next to the Facebook "like" and Twitter "follow" buttons on most of my websites. The +1 count seems to be going up but I'm wondering if I can tell ...
Andrew G. Johnson's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

Google+1 button strategy - Combined +1s or separate +1s?

I have included the Google+1 button on my blog. Each post outputs a +1 button on the bottom. Depending if you are viewing the actual post or just the main page the +1 button will "+1" either the post ...
jman's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Will Google's New +1 Count For SEO

I read somewhere that google's new +1 feature is going to affect google's search results. Apparently the more +1s you have, the better your site will rank in google. Is that true? And if it's true, ...
user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

SEO: Google is going to add "+1" button to search results, major threat for small businesses?

Read more about the subjet here: Beside being something that will be definitely abused by spammers and SEOs, don't you ...
Marco Demaio's user avatar
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