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198 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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SEO Structure of a Forum Built with Javascript Library

Imagine that I am developing a forum etc. with any javascript library. When we enter a profile page or a forum topic in this software, it sends a request from the URL data to the database and then ...
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1 answer

prevent content-security-policy from defeating page caching

I run a website with inline javascript. I created a security policy so javascript can run inline. Then Pagespeed insights shows this issue: When I read about CSP nonces and hashes, it means ...
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1 answer

Impact of React.js Client-Side Rendering on SEO, for Tool Collection Website?

I’m developing a website that offers free tools like converters, compressors, and calculators. My setup includes ASP.NET Core as the backend API and React.js for the frontend. While researching ways ...
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3 answers

Handling non-javascript fallback pages without violating WCAG guidelines

I used the demo version of powermapper tools online to scan my pages and it presents the following issue to a page I'm about to explain. Basically, a page that I have is a fallback page for clients ...
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Node.js - Folder created with fs.mkdirSync() has root as group owner, can't delete it via Plesk

I'm using the following Node.js code to create a folder: The folder is created successfully, but I noticed that it has the group owner set to root. Because of this, I'm unable to delete the folder via ...
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Cloudflare times out when displaying pages with CSS/JS

Update (8/22/2024): I've tried setting up Nginx to solve this but it also faces the same issue. In addition the people who've replied both here and on Reddit both tell me this is a Cloudflare issue. ...
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Redirect every URL path with a /forum/ prefix using .htaccess

I'm trying to redirect a number of URLs in my forums, using .htaccess, in the following way: to https:...
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canonical links on multi-domain site

I have a question about using link[rel="canonical"] elements. Consider a company with an international site com-domain and a site located inside China cn-domain (actual domains trigger Stack ...
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alternate links on multi-domain site

I have a question about using link[rel="alternate"][hreflang] elements. Consider a company with an international site com-domain and a site located inside China cn-domain (actual domains ...
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Simplified page view with URL

Earlier there was a Google url where one got a simplified page view of any url. Now this service is dead - you get just a 404. Does somebody know something ...
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Nginx Vs. Apache

Odd question and I know there are about 8 million sites out there about the subject. I am old school and just straight old. I remember the days of compiling Apache when the only options was to compile ...
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1 answer

SEO: How is a javascript history.back link treated by search engines?

I have an back button on each page and subpage on my website. I always takes the user to the previous page, no matter how many posts and redirects etc. happened on the subpage the user is on Now I'm ...
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How to Directly Serve index.html on Root Domain with Namecheap Hosting and Bitbucket

I'm facing an issue with configuring my website hosted on Namecheap and using Bitbucket for version control. Here's the scenario: My website's domain is The index.html file, along with ...
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cpanel user trying to run a node script from php

cpanel user is trying to run nodejs script from php - keeps running into 126 and 127 and 2 errors... Terminal works, but calling the same nodejs script from php does not. We have tried installing it ...
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How to view normal table data without metrics in google analytics

I am sending custom event through code to Google Analytics. gtag("event", "my_custom_event", { field1: "value1", field2: "value2", }); I am unable to ...

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