I have enabled Monitor and Tracing by adding Windows Server 2016 Roles. But IIS not showing me worker process Current Requests when I request a webpage
How can I view current requests coming in IIS for App pool?
This is probably a little too late (10 months later), but the reason you're not getting the "Show requests" command and can't see them is because you're missing the "Request Monitor" feature in your Web Server Role.
Just open the Server Manager,go to Add or Remove Roles and in the wizard make sure you're checking the "Request Monitor" under "Health And Diagnostics", like it's shown in this screen capture:
After the feature is installed, open again your IIS Manager and you'll see the option to inspect the requests.
In my case enabling Request Monitor wasn't enough, I enabled other options in Health and Diagnostic section and restarted the IIS then I was able to see the requests.