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Unanswered Questions

192 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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1 answer

Set rel="canonical" for query strings and redirects?

I have a fedora40 system with apache-2.4.62 and GSC is reporting many of our URLs that are images, redirects or contain query strings are "duplicate without user-selected canonical." I've ...
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0 answers

AMP Mismatch Error - Why is another domain set as my AMP in Search Console?

A few days ago, I received an email notifying me that an unknown user gained access to my Search Console using an unused token. Since then, I’ve been experiencing various errors, and my pages have ...
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0 answers

Rank high for rich snippets for similar events

I'm trying to figure out the best way to approach this with my website. I have an event page which talks about the venue then sub pages which represent the dates the event runs to which I should use ...
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2 answers

Same product in multiple categories affects seo?

For example, a product called a thermostat is used in different categories like air conditioner, refrigerators, ice machine parts, oven parts. By categorizing thermostat to different categories, will ...
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1 answer

How to manage canonical URLs for multiple domains with identical content to avoid SEO penalties?

I am managing a website that has several country-specific domains (e.g., .com, .be, .nl, .fr), but all of these domains load the exact same content. The primary version of the website is the .com ...
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0 answers

Best URL structure for a "Product reviews by rating" feature

I run a board game media website (WordPress) which publishes product reviews, each of which include a numeric rating. Currently my URL structure is as follows: https://...
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0 answers

Shopify SEO- GSC Help

I am facing some issues about Shopify Product Links. First, i am throwing some example that might be help to understand the problem. Case-1: Case-2: https://...
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0 answers

Why are not relevant search queries in local search capitalized?

I found an interesting relationship between relevant and not relevant search queries and the way they are written. Let's say I have a website about fruit and vegetables. When I look in my statistics, ...
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1 answer

What is the best place to add the language folder in url from an SEO perspective?

I have a website with multiple languages so we added the language folder after the root domain directly, and then each folder after that is localized to the same language. For example:
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0 answers

HTTP as a protocol and an URI has standard metadata names. Is there any equivalence for other protocols or URIs?

For webpages, like, you have standard metadata names like author, description. Is there any equivalence for other URI, like mailto:[email protected]? I know that for an email you ...
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1 answer

Should I optimize meta data for each URL in listings even the created by search filters?

On my website there are many products and each of them can be shown with many search filters. I made sure that they had canonical tags but should I change each page's title tag, meta description, H1, ....
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0 answers

How solving the problem with three slashes in WordPress URLs

I'm writing because I have a problem that I can't find a solution to. Google Search Console tells me that my site has over 30 pages in the "Page crawled, but not currently indexed" section. ...
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2 answers

Google is showing a short title in the mobile search results taken from the navigation menu rather than using the page title

We found out that Google shows different site titles on the SERP depending on whether the search happens on mobile or desktop (see images below). We set the title tag to be "Your Export Partner: ...
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0 answers

My website auto generate hundreds of URLs with the same pattern, and it affects my SEO, how can i stop that and delete them?

i bought an expired domain, and i noticed in google search console that their is +2500 craweled URLs that has the same pattern (ex : and most of them lead ...
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0 answers

Search Console reports successful Page fetch on pages that do not exist

Here's a grammatically corrected version of your text: Hi, Almost 2 years ago, we migrated from Joomla CMS to Wordpress. On our old Joomla website, we used to have URLs such as:

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