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Unanswered Questions

186 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
6 votes
0 answers

Ubuntu 14.04 can't enable .htaccess

I'm developing a website local and just switched from Windows to Ubuntu 16.04 - Sadly my .htaccess doesn't seems to work since rewrite rules don't apply and sources can't be found. I activated: sudo ...
5 votes
1 answer

Splitting an existing site into sub-domains and using a landing page with an HTTP 301 - is this just wrong?

I currently manage a website for a large(ish) primary school. I'm in the process of rebuilding their website, and have had a thought today about how to potentially better organise the content. We ...
4 votes
0 answers

Redirecting www and non www to HTTPS on blogger

I have a blog on Blogger and have activated HTTPS. This link works: But this does not: Is there a solution to this problem?
4 votes
0 answers

Header to describe available `content-type` responses?

It's a little cumbersome to scrape through the HTTP RFC for this particular question, so I'm hoping someone can help me short-circuit an answer: Does the HTTP spec contain functionality for a server ...
4 votes
0 answers

Responding other 'Content-Type' different from 'Accept' list

As all you know (else follow this question) the requesting Accept header allows client to specify the expected MIME types for response content. But my case is: client indicates an Accept of type ...
3 votes
0 answers

"Cert authority invalid" error from Chrome on Android when viewing my website which uses Lets Encrypt

I have installed and activated open SSL ( R3 version V3) on my website. Website is working fine in Desktop browsers (Chrome, Firefox....) but in Google Chrome Android, I get security ...
3 votes
0 answers

When Bing requests a sitemap or a robots.txt, why do I see Apache reject the 1st request with a 403, followed immediately by a 2nd successful request?

This is a small issue that has been ongoing for quite some time. When I check my Apache server log for 403's, all entries are related to Bing, and all from when it requests a robots.txt, sitemap.txt, ...
3 votes
1 answer

How do I install a wildcard SSL certificate on WHM using Let's Encrypt plugin and Cloudflare DNS?

I am using cPanel 92 on CentOS 7 and my's DNS zone is running on Cloudflare (free Cloudflare tier) and I'm having trouble getting my subdomains (of a subdomain) running over HTTPS. Security ...
3 votes
0 answers

"General HTTP Error" for XML sitemap in Google search console

Google search console says that the XML sitemap specified in robots.txt could not be read due to: General HTTP Error When I click on the link on right top, "OPEN SITEMAP," it shows an error: ...
3 votes
0 answers

Can I test if my site's URLs have 403 errors for Google Ads Bot?

All URLs in my WordPress site can be visited via browser such as FireFox and Chrome successfully. However, today I receive emails from Google Ads telling me that some of the URLs have errors. The ...
3 votes
0 answers

Reload a domain certificate in prosody (wirhin jitsi-meet)

I have 2 servers both running Ubuntu 18-04: server A with apt install of jitsi-meet (fully working) server B with an edited install (from github) of jibri (fully working) The A server (the server ...
3 votes
0 answers

Non-www to www redirect not working in Firefox; Works in Chrome with nginx server

I've configured my website to have https with www scheme. I opted to redirect all the traffic from non-www to www, at the time of setting up LetsEncrypt SSL certificate and it works absolutely fine on ...
3 votes
0 answers

Running Nodejs application and wordpress in same server

I am using one EC2 instance of AWS, I have two domains which I will connect with ec2 elastic ip but one domain will have wordpress running on it and other will have nodejs application running on it. ...
3 votes
0 answers

Google page insights score improvement (mostly images and external http requests)

So I have this food blog that is based on wordpress but everything is coded from scratch (apart from a few plugins) as I wanted to have as much control over http requests etc as possible... These are ...
3 votes
0 answers

Googlebot not indexing https pages with 301 redirect

I recently installed a new SSL in my blog and i forced 301 redirect on all http to https pages. It took like 2 months for google to index https content, infact i am seeing a small boost in rankings. ...

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