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Unanswered Questions

99 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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From Analytics data, easy way to get % of visitors with a screen resolution of X or larger

Is there any easy way to use the Analytics data of a website, for example on google analytics, and query it to get the % of users with a browser resolution of X or larger? It's good to know the top ...
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Command line filtering log by date and legitimate requests in Analog

Is there any way to get Analog to report the number of hits per day and the number of different IP addresses that are from legitimate readers? I define "legitimate" readers as accesses that (1) not ...
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Facebook Analytics - Breakdown table "Value" column

I have a simple question - in the below picture, what does the "Value" column mean? I can't find any documentation on it, and I don't know enough about the metrics to derive it from context here. ...
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Safari in app browser huge bounce rate in Google Analytics?

For the past 7 days I ran a Facebook ad. Today I decided to track how users behave and I noticed a huge bounce rate coming from Safari In App browser and Android webview. It was 91% as compared to ...
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Google Analytics only showing a fraction of unique hits

My web server is showing 5 times more unique hits than the google analytics dashboard, i'm afraid when I add the ads in my website it won't show the real amount of views/clicks etc, is there any way ...
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eCommerce Conversions Over Attributed to Direct Traffic

In Google Analytics, I have about 32% of all transactions attributed to Direct traffic. However, direct traffic only drives about 15% of visits. Even more puzzling, the ecommerce platform's own ...
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A social network called "socialnetwork" in Google Analytics

I have stumbled across a social network that Google analytics recognises as simple "socialnetwork" which is referring some users to my site, as shown in the image below: Does anyone know where this ...
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Calling SiteCatalyst Data Insertion API from IIS web server

I'm new to IIS. How do I configure IIS to invoke my code to process the access log information in real time? Is there a better solution than reading the log file as it's written? Apache, for instance, ...
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Logging what was in the content of a page

I'm one of the people working on a Java based website that has the apache httpd in front of it. The content on the pages is migrating towards personalizing the content and as such just about every ...

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