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Questions tagged [jplayer]

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Can I add controls for playback speed and subtitles in the mobile Youtube iFrame?

Is it possible to add controls into mobile version of YouTube iFrame player? With controls I mean being able to change the speed and quality of the video, or turn on the subtitles.
igi's user avatar
  • 81
-2 votes
1 answer

Play ".ch" extension stream on HTML [closed]

I am trying to play .ch stream from a html player. But can't find the solution. .ch streams can be played successfully in Android via "ExoPlayer". But I want to embed them to my website too, but none ...
Leonar Aung's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Embedding video in email - possible?

Is it possible to embed video into an email that will allow the viewer to watch the video within the email itself in a consistent and cross platform compatible manner?
v15's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Which is better jplayer or jwplayer?

I need to make a video slideshow( slides to contain embedded video players and must play mp4 files), and I am kind of confused what would be the best free solution I can use? jplayer and jwplayer both ...
aoi's user avatar
  • 131
1 vote
2 answers

Adding jPlayer to Magento site

I've got a simple, working demo page using jPlayer, which I built using the following guide: That was pretty straight forward. Now I'm ...
jefflunt's user avatar
  • 396