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Questions tagged [animated]

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3 answers

Is animating in Navbar a good idea? [closed]

I am animating in my Navbar with GSAP when the page loads. The navbar is being animated in by changing the height from 0 to 100%. The height in css is always set to 0 and it worries me if the ...
enddev's user avatar
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CSS3 animation to start only when page is scrolled to the right place [closed]

I want to show an CSS3 animation with a delay, but it is below the fold of the page, meaning, that animation may start and end before user scrolls to the area where it should perform. How can I set ...
CamSpy's user avatar
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What alternatives to Animated GIFs are natively supported on all popular modern browsers on tablets, etc. without pluggins?

I was looking for an alternative animated images to Animated GIFS. But per CanIUseit support for APNGs seems to being phased out. And MNG support isn't even listed there and pages about it don't ...
Clay Nichols's user avatar
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1 answer

Plus/Minus animated comment icon

So I've seen this animated gif icon on many, many websites. It seems to always be related to comments or feedback. My questions are: 1. What is the common name for it? 2. Who created it? I would like ...
Josiah's user avatar
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Is it possible to animate JPGs? [closed]

This may sound ridiculous, but I'm curious as to how this image on imgur is animated: and yet still appears to be a JPG file, not a GIF. Is it server side? It's ...
Edd Turtle's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Expand/Collapse Animations [closed]

Are expand/collapse animations (such as jQuery's slideUp/slideDown) a good idea for the categories or refinement hierarchy in an ecommerce site or are they too distracting? Should the expand/collapse ...
Jason Kresowaty's user avatar
23 votes
1 answer

Why is this GIF's animation speed different in Firefox vs. IE?

Oracle Enterprise Manager has a web interface that uses this GIF: The odd thing about this GIF is that in Firefox (v9&10) it spins about twice as fast as in MSIE (v7&9). Why does the ...
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

animated PNG Support

I know PNGs are pretty much supported across most browsers if not all at this point. Are Animated PNG or APNG supported if PNG is supported or are they separate? Do e-mail programs have the same ...
L84's user avatar
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