I was curious if you do a site
search, you will usually get your home page and navbar links first...right?
Thus my question, when you move onto page2/3 etc, of the index / search results, are those posts possibly displayed according to page strength / link equity.
Example when doing site:
search if a post is displaying on page 3 of the search and another post displays on page 10, as an example, could this mean that the post displaying on page 3 has a higher potential to rank compared to post displayed on page10...?
search, the home page is almost always first, followed by pages according to importance as Google sees it. That is the theory anyway. How much of that is true and can be counted upon is up to debate. Cheers!!site:
search results by PageRank. (8+ years ago.) They obfuscated it when they realized that it gave away too much information about sites and made black hat SEO easier. Now they put the home page first, and order the rest in a way that somewhat reflects importance, but also has useless factors thrown in. Maybe even randomness.