We have desktop and mobile site respectively. www.example.com for desktop and m.example.com for mobile.

In Google.com mobile SERP, with the search phrase Weather in aaa(city) returns mobile subdomain URL m.example.com/weather/aaa, however, for a different city (bbb), weather in bbb (city) returns www.example.com/weather/bbb as it is for the desktop URL.

We have set properly 'alternate' and 'canonical' annotations found on google doc but not sure why a city bbb is returning a desktop site. Please share your thoughts if you have any.

  • did you get chance to see if the pages (www.examle.com/weather/bbb) were crawled by mobile bot or not in near future ? Commented Feb 3, 2016 at 15:12
  • Yes, they are crawled daily basis. I could see today's date. Some pages are displaying mobile URL so I am thinking need sometime for Google's SERP update.
    – yamasnax
    Commented Feb 3, 2016 at 17:33


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