I posted a new blog article on my Wordpress site. Suddenly my email client was flooded with many subscriptions to my blog. But look some at the names before the @ symbol. They are flooded with periods:

  • ea.m.b.ri.s.t.e.r
  • eam.b.ris.t.er
  • ea.mb.r.i.s.t.e.r
  • ama.n.d.a.w.h.o.rl.o.w.1
  • viane.t.t.fa.l
  • a.l.haar.s2

I could go on and on. But what does this mean? Was my account hacked? What purpose does this serve?

  • 1
    Nothing here indicates your site is hacked - however it does look like it may have been hit upon by a bad bot. You may want to use akismet or Cleantalk or a captcha or something to block this kind of behaviour. =
    – davidgo
    Commented Nov 24 at 5:07
  • Akismet has been turned on already, before this infestation.
    – Steve
    Commented Nov 24 at 17:10
  • Wondering if I can turn off the subscription link, or if that is too late. Can't find it so far.
    – Steve
    Commented Nov 24 at 17:15
  • This may be better answered on WordPress.she - but a couple of thoughts - are they coming from the same IP (and if so can you block that IP) and can you add enhanced email address validation?
    – davidgo
    Commented Nov 24 at 17:41
  • @davidgo They are all from gmail.com. Hate to block that. I have no idea how to "add enhanced email address validation." I'm not a sophisticated user. I will check wordpress.se.
    – Steve
    Commented Nov 24 at 18:30


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