I'm working through my first attempt at domain forwarding, and it should be simple, but I'm running into difficulty with HTTPS requests. Part of this is I'm working with a friend who has an old web developer, and I'm trying to figure out how to communicate this.
My domain oldsite.example
is with GoDaddy. I also have domain newsite.example
with GoDaddy. The initial domain forwarding was simple. I set up oldsite.example
to forward to a specific URL at newsite.example
). Result: if I type either oldsite.example
or http://oldsite.example
into the address bar, I get to newsite.example
. Great. BUT, if I type in https://oldsite.example
, I get a page that loads forever, then eventually says the server is not responding.
I understand this issue is that, wherever the oldsite is hosted (this is where I'm unclear from the previous developer), there needs to be some action taken to forward HTTPS requests to HTTP -- right? Because the oldsite is not hosted with GoDaddy, and I don't see any active SSL certificates through GoDaddy. I tried to communicate this to the old developer (via my friend), and he seems to think I just forwarded the domain incorrectly in GoDaddy. But I talked to GoDaddy support for an entire HOUR, and they said the site is not hosted with them, so they can't help with forwarding HTTPS requests.