I'm working on building my first website in a non-corporate environment. When I go to http://example.com it works fine. But when my friend tried, they found that GoDaddy forces HTTPS everywhere and got a cert error. Then the got a generic page about "Future home of something quite cool." (it forwards to a cgi folder of some sort).
Is there a way to disable this behavior? If at all possible, I don't want to pay for a SSL certificate if I can avoid it. The page just displays some basic stuff for my school work. I don't collect customer data, so I don't think SSL is necessary.
I'm using Linux hosting with CPanel right now. Though that can change easily enough. Any help is greatly appreciated!
everywhere? You could add a redirect to your web server's config (using a .htaccess file) that would redirect all requests toHTTP
, but visitors using browser extensions might get caught in a loop if they're only requestingHTTPS
(depending on how the extension is coded). The easiest and likely most reliable solution in this case is to add CloudFlare, which will provide a free Flexible SSL.HTTP
, which occurs prior to cPanel. However, if visitors use a browser extension that repeatedly request theHTTPS
version, they might get stuck in a loop then.