I have performed a load test on on my website but don't understand if the result are good or bad.
Here is the server spec:
Server Linux/Ubuntu hardware (AMI on Amazon AWS)
product: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz
size: 2500MHz
width: 64 bits
slot: CPU1
size: 2500MHz
slot: CPU2
capacity 3337MiB
description: DIMMRAM
size: 15Gib
width: 64 bits
description: DIMMRAM
size: 15Gib
width: 64 bits
Server Software:
PHP 5.6.18 (PHP-FPM)
Web Applications:
Wordpress 4.5.2 multisite
+ Avada theme
+ W3 Total Cache
+ Yoast SEO
Test Load Settings Used:
Test Results:
The load scenario test is only done on 3 pages (home, product page 1, product page 2).
Google optimisation test:
My interpretation of the result is:
I have good server hardware, with less or more the latest version of all service (Apache, PHP) and software (Worpress). The response time of 50ms (AVG) is very good. The response time is stable even if it increases the number of users.
I'm not sure of my interpretation...