I have buyed domain from one company and hosting from another. On hosting company website finded DNS addresses and applied them to domain hosting website(changed DNS) I done it yesterday, so today it should work, but: Unable to resolve the server's DNS address appears.

In direct admin control panel (DNS control) i have (it's my hosting company settings): http://pastebin.com/MGbQ02hr

Note: IP and domain hidden!

Any ideas whats wrong ?

  • nslookup ns1.provaider.com + ns2.provaider.com will answer. BTW, MX RR for domain is just delirium (unrelated to topic, but detected) Commented Oct 16, 2011 at 13:43

4 Answers 4


Simply do a whois search on your account provided to you by your Hosting provider, check to the see the NS they're using, if the name/ip matches the ones given to you when your account was activated and point that NS to your domain name and see if it works.


"*.provaider.com" addresses can't be resolved, as it written in clean English.

Don't mask domain, nobody will be able to debug your troubles without real data!


It seems there is a problem with your DNS server. Maybe you can try to ask your provider to configure ns2/alternate ns for you.


You should add the DNS of web host to the DNS of domain registrar and not vice versa.

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