Looking at the first week we started using Google Analytics (this is a few years ago, so all numbers have been processed), I see these numbers:
- Overview:
- Users: 1689
- Sessions: 2533
- Percentage new sessions: 46.55%
- New vs Returning:
- New users: 1180
- New visitor sessions: 1180
- Returning visitor sessions: 1353
Very confusing. Is there is difference between "new users" (1180 users) and "new visitors" (1180 sessions)? And between "new sessions" and "new visitor sessions" (46.55% = 1180 / 1353)?
But most importantly, why isn't the number of "New users" (1180) not equal to the number of "Users" (1689) during the first reporting period? Has Google secretly been registering who visited our site, before we started using Analytics?