This is a recent problem I've been having.
My site can be accessed from almost everywhere else except from my home IP, where I do most of my editing/updating, etc. I've tested my connection from my school's network, a friend's connection from out of state (multiple states), and through a tethered connection with my friend's Android. It works in all those cases, both viewing, accessing the cPanel, and using FTP.
Here's the problem that happens to me when I try to view it from my home IP:
- The page times out in Firefox, IE, and Chrome.
- Using the cmd, I ran tracert and ping, both as failed attempts. Log here.
- says my site is up. So do the other site checkers.
- I can't access my cPanel or FTP accounts.
- I can't access the host site. (I use for hosting, and I can't access their site either.)
System settings:
- No firewall enabled.
- Ports are seemingly properly forwarded. (e.g. The ports are open in the router settings, and are open everywhere else.)
- I have an email forwarder set up from the cPanel that works just fine. (i.e. I can receive emails sent to that address.
If any other information is needed, I'll do my best to provide it.
@ilhan: I use two things:
1) The site cPanel from in-browser.
2) Dreamweaver CS5 FTP.
@Matthias: I tested both, and it passes the dual stack with a 10/10. What should I do then?