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Unanswered Questions

111 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
4 votes
0 answers

Redirecting www and non www to HTTPS on blogger

I have a blog on Blogger and have activated HTTPS. This link works: But this does not: Is there a solution to this problem?
3 votes
0 answers

"Cert authority invalid" error from Chrome on Android when viewing my website which uses Lets Encrypt

I have installed and activated open SSL ( R3 version V3) on my website. Website is working fine in Desktop browsers (Chrome, Firefox....) but in Google Chrome Android, I get security ...
3 votes
1 answer

How do I install a wildcard SSL certificate on WHM using Let's Encrypt plugin and Cloudflare DNS?

I am using cPanel 92 on CentOS 7 and my's DNS zone is running on Cloudflare (free Cloudflare tier) and I'm having trouble getting my subdomains (of a subdomain) running over HTTPS. Security ...
3 votes
0 answers

Reload a domain certificate in prosody (wirhin jitsi-meet)

I have 2 servers both running Ubuntu 18-04: server A with apt install of jitsi-meet (fully working) server B with an edited install (from github) of jibri (fully working) The A server (the server ...
3 votes
0 answers

Non-www to www redirect not working in Firefox; Works in Chrome with nginx server

I've configured my website to have https with www scheme. I opted to redirect all the traffic from non-www to www, at the time of setting up LetsEncrypt SSL certificate and it works absolutely fine on ...
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0 answers

Googlebot not indexing https pages with 301 redirect

I recently installed a new SSL in my blog and i forced 301 redirect on all http to https pages. It took like 2 months for google to index https content, infact i am seeing a small boost in rankings. ...
3 votes
0 answers

Angular2 on Heroku ask for ssl while using symfony2 api

I launched a nodejs app on Heroku which is basically the front of a website in angular2. The app should receive the database information from an api powered by symfony3 hosted on OVH. It seems that ...
2 votes
1 answer

.htaccess redirect from HTTP to HTTPS and add canonical

I am having a few problems with Google search console not validating any of my self hosted WordPress blog pages and I have tracked it down to (I think!) a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. This is my ....
2 votes
0 answers

SSL certificate for Blogger on a custom sub-domain

I have Blogspot blog show casing my products running for many years on http:// which is running as for many years. My DNS record for (which I own) at the domain ...
2 votes
0 answers

Websites not working on IOS after server move (only affecting sites with SSL)

I'm most of the way through moving from one server to another. Servers are more or less the same, newer one has a newer version of Plesk. Everything has gone very smoothly BUT now I check on Safari or ...
2 votes
0 answers

how to reduce SSL handshake time - localhost/self signed cert

We have one .net exe running on local machine and browser make one API to that running service with https://localhost:45235/getInfo. Actual getInfo API returns response in < 1 sec. But when browser ...
2 votes
0 answers

Google Search Console only reports URLs discovered in sitemap.xml on HTTP property which is redirected to HTTPS

The whole content of the website is running on HTTPS and WWW, while Google Search Console is reporting discovering URLs in the sitemap.xml only without https and www. However, there are no pages ...
2 votes
0 answers

Allow users to point domains at web app - multi domain SSL

I have a web app, and when users sign up, we give them their own subdomain, e,g, We do this with a wildcard ssl for *.website.example However, users are requesting custom ...
2 votes
0 answers

No private key when installing SSL certificates from GoDaddy via cPanel

I am having troubles with installing ssl certificate. The ssl was created on GoDaddy without using crt created by hosting cpanel. Now I have file in formats of crt, pem, p7b. When I upload the crt ...
2 votes
0 answers

After redirecting to canonical domain and HTTPS, Google Search Console reports most of my pages are now excluded

In Google Search Console - Coverage for one of my sites it says : Error 0 Valid with warnings 22 Valid 10 Excluded 11.1k Expanding Excluded, it's 6,000 for pages with redirect and 3,400 with a soft ...

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