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A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is an address for a file or resource that specifies where that resource is, and how to go about retrieving it.

1 vote

Similar URL, different content, same keyword - bad for SEO?

So basically you update the content of your website. Wether this is good or not can not be told by us. It depends on "Why does the page score good now?" and "Will the new page score good as well?". W …
Martijn's user avatar
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5 votes

Can I legally get hold of a domain name for which I hold a trademark?

It depends on some factors. First of them is: Is in the same branch as you are? If it is clearly something completely different, it might turn into a problem. Then, is your name (now pi …
Martijn's user avatar
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2 votes

how to remove the old urls from google search and replace new urls?

If you can catch them, and you can find a matching new result, I suggest you header like this (in php, maybe you want something else): header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: /new …
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2 votes

My site is showing up in Google's search results with a Norwegian language parameter on the URL

Same goes for the URL, it doesnt check the URL. From the documentation: Google uses only the visible content of your page to determine its language. …
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1 vote

URL SEO : Using directories or exact keyword phrase in the URL

Don't worry about this too much, URL isn't that important. … If this is a onetime page, you want the dashed URL. …
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When changing hosting, how to see files served from the new server

This is because of caching. The internet works by IP adressess, but people don't work like that, so we've got domainnames. A domainname is a alias for an IP address (simple put). If you go to example …
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1 vote

How do I know whether a URL returns an HTTP 404 status code?

If you have firebug you can see the difference, they actually return the 404 header. A website is perfectly capable of returning content with a 404-header: header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); echo file …
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1 vote

How do I handle the URL of an article that sits in more than one category

.: /blog/article, or /products/article): This will improve the SEO power of the url, because it's a lot shorter, and the relevant part (article-name) is … closer to the url. …
Martijn's user avatar
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3 votes

SEO implication of removing www from domain

If you take all the right steps, there isn't a lot to worry about. 301 all existing pages (This is the major step!) Set all you canonical tags right (This is your 2nd most important step) You will …
Martijn's user avatar
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5 votes

Absolute vs relative URLs for SEO

AFAIK, not really a noticable difference. I prefer relative (always from document root, but no domain). If you'd change to https, you don't need to update every internal link in my website. If you ren …
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1 vote

Why is my site getting requests for URLs converted to lowercase?

Because this is standard, it's not very hard to imagine that a crawler, or a bot, or anything that indexes calls the url lowercased or tries what happens if they do. … A good rule of thumb is that you should be able to tell an url to another person at the most simple manner possible ("No no, uppercase C. No not the whole word"). …
Martijn's user avatar
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3 votes

Temporarily use different URL

Example in PHP: header("Location: /product/list", true, 302); // temporal redirect The browsers requests the /home url, gets status 302, new url: /example back from the server. … A 301 - status redirect would've said "The requested url is no longer used, use /example from now on". …
Martijn's user avatar
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3 votes

Where is the best place for page's ID in a user friendly URL?

You can easily take the id with something like: $pid = substr($url, strrpos($url,'-')+1); // find the last dash You can't use explode here and take the last value, it would break with /example-string … If the product would change category, the url remains the same. …
Martijn's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I improve the rate at which Google crawls my website?

Just wait. You're not the only website on the internet. You're not more important than everybody else, just wait your turn. You can help them though, by some methods: Make sure your /sitemap is pr …
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1 vote

My users are getting 302 Found page if they don't write https in address bar, how can I prev...

I suggest you add [R=301,L] after your RewriteRule in your .htaccess to redirect the visitor, like so: RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] Currently your telling the brows …
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