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Questions tagged [ip-resolve]

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3 votes
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Must a web domain and a hostname on a computer system which hosts the domain-associated-website always be identical?

Must a web domain and a hostname on a computer system which hosts the domain-associated-website always be identical? The only case I think in which it mustn't be the case is if on one computer system, ...
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2 votes
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DNS A Record going back and forth, 48 hours after changing

I'm moving a website but keeping the email setting for now, so I changed the A Record on the current ISP to the new IP provided by the new ISP. And it has been more than 48 hours the domain is still ...
Uchijjang's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to reduce DNS lookups?

It takes about 20-120 milliseconds for DNS (Domain Name System) to resolve IP address for a given hostname or domain name and the browser cannot do anything until the process is properly completed. ...
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