WordPress multisite newbie; trying to understand client domain mapping best practices.
Example: client owns domain foosite.com
, registered at GoDaddy.
- I need to get any/all incarnations to map to
- I've tried both * and www CNAME pointing to
- I've tried deleting the A record at GoDaddy.
works. I cannot get the root foosite.com
to work. I really do not want to use an A record that points to my multisite install static IP address -- since if I ever have to move to a new hosting service I will have potentially hundreds of clients I would need to tell to please update their A record for the new IP address.
I thought of using my hosting company DNS instead of GoDaddy, since then I can instantiate a cpanel account there with the sole purpose of doing the redirects, but that seems like a lot of overhead and will also tie me down to the hosting company DNS (similar problem to being tied to the static IP address).
So...given all that, is there a way to have both wildcard subdomain mapping and root TLD mapping via CNAME only? Or is there some other option that would solve this dilemma? I read this blog entry at CloudFlare which seems like it might be a solution - is this "CNAME flattening" idea what I am looking for?