I have a site with the keyword in the name as the first word, currently seperated by a space. Most posts contain the singular version of the keyword at the end of the title, so current titles in Google show as:
Title goes here + keyword | keyword (plural form) + suffix
(both together = site name.)
My idea of seperating the plural form of the keyword in the site name from the suffix was that it would he easier to rank for both title + singular keyword as well as title + plural keyword while still having my site name added at the end. However, for brandability purposes and just because I think it would look better I was thinking of attaching the site name to become:
Title + keyword | Keyword(Plural)Suffix
with no space in the middle of the site name.
Do you think that will hurt SERPs? Will the plural form of the keyword still be bolded if it is directly attached to the suffix?