I have an event calendar site which on the homepage ("/") contains a list (table) of all events. When you click on one of them, you go to event detail page, which contains much more information about event (and also contain schema.org semantic markup).
Now, the event detail page is the one user searching for that specific term would prefer, and it is also what webmaster would prefer.
However, google seems to prefer sending all results to homepage ("/"), instead of specific event, thus displaying ugly and mostly useless snippet.
for example, googling for biciklijada limes 2015 site:biciklijade.com
would give first result to biciklijade.com/
and only third to the much nicer looking biciklijade.com/detail/1049
with more information. (and without site:
specifier, that nice event detail page would be buried on second or third page)
Question is how to convince google to prefer obviously better event detail page (instead of sending all the searches to homepage)?
(I'd prefer answers supplemented with google itself stating best practices for that, and/or things proven to work in practice; but I'd appreciate wild guesses too)