We all know the importance and significance of Headings for Professional Webmasters. These were known for professional developers as: <h1>Heading 1</h1>
, and H2 through H6.
As a daring web developer, lately I needed more short headings for complex structured document and I thought about this and used these in my CSS:
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ }
h7{ }
h8{ }
h9{ }
My experiment turned out to pay off, but only in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc..., not in Internet Explorer 8.
Question 1. Who (and when) decided that headings should go up to H6, and not H4 or H7?
Question 2. Why do H7 though H9 work perfectly in all major browsers, except IE8?
Question 3. What is the significance for Bing, Yahoo, and Google in terms of recognition for headings H1 through H9? Obviously H1 is more important than H2, but do they differentiate between H5 and H6? Or not more than H3?