Do you know how we can find out the IP address of our website? Our web host is Dreamhost and our Domain is with PlanetDomain, we need PlanetDomain to create a Record
with that IP address so people can access our website.
Some important information:
- We use shared hosting on Dreamhost. I am aware this means we share both a server with other clients and maybe also IP addresses or have a dynamic IP address? Maybe we can still obtain our IP address or send some other information to PlanetDomain?
Why dont we give PlanetDomain Dreamhost's name servers instead of the IP Address?
Because we have a unique setup for our emails that aren't stored/controled by the web host. They are separate, so if we change the name servers it will break our emails.
Why dont we just move our emails over to Dreamhost?
Honestly the boss doesn't want to do it. He thinks its too much work. He's not a technical person and I am not educated in domain, email setups so I dont know if it is really so much work to change.
PS: Does anyone know what the name is for the setup we have? The setup being that the emails are not stored/controlled through the web host but are separate?