We're managing a client's website for SEO. We have recently found that some of the content on my client's website are directly copied from other websites.

As a solution provider we have recommended to replace the content with original content. Is there are way we can find out this.

Any suggestion to speed up this process would helpful.

1 Answer 1


Copyscape is a website which can help identify duplicate content. It won't tell you if you are the original source/authority in Google for the content, but it will find other websites with the same content. The free version allows xx amount of searches a day and there is a paid version.

However, copyscape doesn't always find duplicated content, so the best, yest slowest, way is searching for snippets of your content within inverted commas in Google.Like so: Click For Google Result

  • Use premium version of Copyscape.com. It will be right every time.
    – user2434
    Commented Sep 17, 2013 at 9:49
  • I have used the premium version many times and it hasn't picked up all sites/content that a Google search did.
    – Max
    Commented Sep 17, 2013 at 11:00

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