I've not set up a home web server before so chances are I've made many mistakes.
I've used XAMPP on the pc, set up the name servers, used freedns and so far so good. The site is visible, online and going well, or so I thought.
My next step was to configure the IDE to upload files automatically when changed. FTP has been set up and is working perfectly, When I connect and upload a file, it shows on the web server.
The problem I'm having is that these new files are only visible from the machine that is hosting the site. I've tried copying and pasting (on the server) and get the same result.
Can anyone explain what the problem might be please?
To summarise (apologies for rambling): Uploaded files to server are being uploaded fine but are not visible when accessed from any machine other than the web server. As a test I created a new file when using the web server and the same result is received.
Any help is much appreciated
::Also:: I've read that XAMPP is not best for security. If anyone can point me to an idiots guide for how to do it 'properly' I'd be very grateful :)
? Are you using local DNS to resolve the domain or external DNS?