Apologies if this is on the wrong place.
I've set up a web server at home, it's basic and is currently running using xampp, I plan on replacing it with an old mac g5 soon and mamp or individual components for php etc.
I've not done this before so it's all a bit new.
I know that I can set up a new dir for a friend and allow them to upload their site to the server so long as it doesn't involve them creating databases.
My question is how can I imitate what web hostin companies do? I'd like to be able to give him a user an password and for him to then be able to have the same capabilities as myself although restricted to one folder of course. I've googled quite a lot but haven't come across anything that makes it clear. I understand an option is cpanel but I'd rather find a free alternative.
Could someone explain if its doable and if so would it possible to point me in the right direction or state the problems etc that might prevent this from happening.
Any and all advice appreciated. Thanks.