When I look at LCP stats below on google page insights, I see 34% request are in green, 30% in orange, and 35% in red.

I want to further deep dive into it how some requests are in good range and some in bad. Can I get to know from Google Search Console or some other tool what kind of devices and internet bandwidth people in green/orange/red are using as my back end response time is same consistently for last 2 months? Is there way I can get these insights so that understand the RCA here and take the corrective action?

1 Answer 1


The CrUX Dashboard can show you historical data for your origin-level performance. It's based on the Chrome UX Report (CrUX) dataset, which is also what PageSpeed Insights uses. The dashboard includes coarse distributions of user demographics like effective connection types and device form factors.

For finer-grained insights about which types of users are experiencing slow performance, you can use the public CrUX dataset on BigQuery. There are some sample queries in the CrUX Cookbook repository. For example, you can look up the 75th percentile LCP value for 4G mobile users in the US:

  `chrome-ux-report`.experimental.PERCENTILE(ARRAY_AGG(bin), 75) AS p75_lcp
  UNNEST(largest_contentful_paint.histogram.bin) AS bin
  yyyymm = 202001 AND
  country_code = 'us' AND
  origin = 'https://www.example.com' AND
  effective_connection_type.name = '4G' AND
  form_factor.name != 'desktop'


Using these tools you should have a better understanding of the user demographics on your site and how they correlate to performance.

  • Thanks! Will explore it.Looks like we can definitely get the connection type. Can we also get the details like exact device (like model) with in the mobile device type or memory/cpu info ?
    – emilly
    Commented Aug 16, 2021 at 5:21
  • The dataset only contains coarse device info like desktop, phone, or tablet. For more granular data, you'd need to use an analytics tool. Commented Aug 19, 2021 at 0:09

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