We are currently rescripting our theme. The current version uses microdata for structured data, but Google doesn't seem to handle microdata completely well, therefore we are switching to JSON-LD.

When we analyze our current microdata setup with Google's Structured data testing tool, no HTML tags are shown. When we parse the content of our (WordPress) blogpost into JSON-LD it does contain HTML tags, which also show in the structured data testing tool.

Few hours of googling haven't given me a substantiated answer if we should strip the text from all HTML markup (or some?) or if we should keep it in our JSON-LD setup.

Hope anyone can give me a substantiated answer.

1 Answer 1


articleBody should be text without any HTML.

See the documentation: articleBody - Schema.org Property

  • @RohitGupta I edited a bit to make it clearer, but it does provide a direct answer to the question and a link to documentation. Commented Jan 3, 2023 at 10:12

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