I have a website https://ottverse.com
and I am hosting it on DigitalOcean.
I initially had it on a particular droplet (let's say X
) for testing and X
's IP-address got picked up by Google.
Then, I created a new Droplet (so, new IP), changed the A-records in GoDaddy, and ensured that when a person types the sitename/URL of an article, it goes to the correct IP address. I then submitted the sitemap to Google Search Console, and made sure all the URLs match. Everything looked fine till this point.
Now, if I go to Google Search and type in my site's name ottverse
, then it shows the old IP address and clicking on it gives a security warning (because nothing really exists and the droplet has been destroyed).
How do I tell Google that it should index the site, show the homepage's description, and not show the old IP address?
I submitted a Clear cached URL
request for the homepage on Google Search Console. Is this sufficient and will this help?