I am currently going through our analytics account and removing old accounts. I have about 20 where the permissions says "none(user has permissions on a lower level) "
However when I try to find any other information on what "permissions on a lower level" actually means the help link does not explain anything and there is nothing to clarify what this permissions actually is.
I have looked through all the documentation and have not come across anything explains the "none"
Anyone have an idea on what this actually means, and if I can remove these accounts?
Edit 2: The users that have this have no permissions at Account, Property, or View Level
When I view them they have None next to each property, and then if I look at each Property at their view permissions they also have nothing for all of them.
Have added screenshot below.
Edit 3: Turns out I wasn't looking carefully enough, I will add what helped me figure this out as it might beneficial to someone else.
If on a user you click 'View user's account details'
This opens a tree structure to view the users permissions where you can see their access to every Property and View